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Posts posted by sweetpoison

  1. On 6/17/2022 at 8:24 AM, modified lung said:


    Make sure not to go much over 5 ppm ammonia.

    How do I make sure of that? I guess that number would be on my ammonia dial on my aquarium. Or when I test which I don’t have strips yet, and let’s say it is over five ~ do a water change?

    On 6/17/2022 at 8:30 AM, modified lung said:


    So funny!!😂😂

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  2. OK guys I have a plan I’ve done some due diligence let me know what you think!

    I am going to hit this tank every other day with 3ML of ammonia. For three weeks and then When I start seeing nitrites my ammonia will go down.  I think🥴 

    then ~ once I see nitrites hit 0 I will start adding ammonia daily Can I add ammonia again I think, and if it’s zero do a large water change and if it’s still zero the next day it’s cycle then I can add fish?

    Gosh hopes that’s right it’s embedded in my brain at this point!


    Two questions, how often do a test and is there a timeframe do I have to add fish right away because I might not be possible

    On 6/17/2022 at 8:09 AM, modified lung said:

    We all started with zero knowledge and we all miss things right in front of us. At work I use a lot of Hach brand test strips to get a quick, rough reading. It took me a year to realize I was using the ammonia strips wrong. Turns out they might actually be really accurate.

    Well how can you use a stripper wrong?  I just dip it in three seconds bring it out wait 60 and read it. Please tell me that’s not wrong😂

    I don’t have my ammonia strips yet so I’m relying on that ammonia dial in my aquarium…



    Oh my!  STRIP Definitely not stripper I am so sorry!☺️

  3. I’m sorry to be such a pest and so needy. I was thinking that usually I would take sponges from other filters on other tanks to cycle a new tank.

    Well I don’t have any more thanks to take a sponge from. That’s why I’m so confused I’ve never had this happen ~

    you guys must think I’m an idiot LOL!   iIn retrospect think that actually myself. I fill this tank up and I’m just sitting around waiting for it to cycle and I haven’t even done anything😂😂🤦‍♀️ You all are probably thinking and “this woman raised discus?”

    This all just hit me in the middle of the night🫣

    This is hilarious!!  Actually embarrassing and I never embarrass😂😂

    so I’ll just sit here and wait for someone to guide me to the next embarrassing step🥴


  4. How does something like this happen?  Came in really small On a plant or something?  You can see it legs and everything!  That would so freak me out if that was  on one of my wet pets ~  that I don’t have yet 😩

    Poor thing!!  Let us know how it goes!



  5. On 6/16/2022 at 6:01 PM, nabokovfan87 said:


    Looks like it's between .05 and .2 ppm

    Well shitums, Nabo ~ I don’t even wanna know how you came up but those numbers☺️ So what does that tell you exactly?

  6. On 6/16/2022 at 5:42 PM, Torrey said:

    That would mean my entire life before 2017 is a lie then, we lost everything in a house fire.

    I’m SO SORRY!  I just tried to go get old pictures off of photobucket and they want to charge me to get my old pictures😡😡

    Torrey ~ I added 3 ML of ammonia And look at my ammonia tag now!  The round circle is not yellow anymore I’m not sure what color it’s trying to be.

    So what do I do next?  You have to tell me step-by-step because I will forget🥴🫣


  7. On 6/16/2022 at 5:00 PM, Torrey said:

    I wanted to let you know, your excitement is contagious! It's wonderful to see someone get this excited about the hobby!

    My concern is how much anxiety are you carrying?

    There aren't any live fish in the aquarium right now, correct?


    I’m just tired of a cloudy tank I wish I never put sand in it!  And I had sand in most of my tanks and I never had this problem. That’s my only anxiety but I’m good♥️

    No I do not have any fish in my tank yet!  So what are you saying Torrey  I’m excited over a cloudy empty tank😂😂😂

  8. Thank you for the link Pep!  

    I have a syringe and I’m going to pull three ML of ammonia since I’m dosing for 16 gallons instead of 20. I’m just gonna pop that into the tank. And then wait ~ when do I test next?  When do I dose next after I test?

  9. How long do I leave the filter moss in?  I’m thinking until the tank is clear ~ that was another dumb question🤦‍♀️Am I going to take it out and rinse it ever? Because my sponges are pretty dusty with sand.  Can we just leave the filter moss in indefinitely or no?

  10. On 6/15/2022 at 3:24 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:


    @sweetpoison  If at the end of things you’re only reading is nitrate, the tank is cycled.



    OK I like this.  how do I know when I’m at the end of things?  I guess when the reading is only nitrate? I’m sorry for dumb questions!

    okay I’m gonna put in my filter floss now and then ammonia says to dose 4 drops per US gallon. Somebody said that even though I have 20 gallon dose for 16.  I am so bad at this ~ so 4×16 is 64… 

    That’s a lot of drops ~ wonder how I can convert to teaspoons…Hate math!

    It’s tough being me but somebody’s gotta do it😂

    I’m not gonna dose his stuff until I get confirmation from one of you experts♥️

  11. Well I’ve been trying to cycle this thing for a week but I didn’t know how to throw in some ammonia. So I’m gonna do that right after I pop in the new filter plus. So should I take out my sponges and just use the filter floss because I’m going to add ammonia right after..

  12. On 6/15/2022 at 9:08 PM, Torrey said:

    I had a 120 gallon breeding tank, and several 75, plus a custom build headboard that was 60 gallons for a breeding pair. They have opinions, lol.

    The powdery sand will resolve itself. Everytime you do a water change, you'll stir it up until plant roots start anchoring it. You can do big water changes to remove the suspended particles, just know that the more water changes, the longer it takes to get the tank stable. It really is about walking a middle path: everything has a trade off. Do one thing, and like pushing over a domino, it may take weeks to observe all the results of the single domino that got pushed over. That's why you'll see some of the older water keeping folx in here recommend change one thing, and then observe for a few weeks before changing something else.

    Ever watch the Karate Kid?

    Your tank has now taken on the roll of Mr Miyagi, get prepared for a whole lot of "wax on, wax off" except it will be "water in, water out, watch. Water out, water in, watch."

    I've got appointments most of the day tomorrow, so probably will be in late, or on Friday.

    I quit doing the ammonia route when I realized it was easier for me (I'm a lazy fish keeper) to just feed the fish I wanted to have eventually. Gave me plenty of opportunities to observe which fish foods are high quality and also contribute to healthy plants, and which contribute to more algae... by feeding one thing at a time and observing, lol.

    Welcome [back] to the hobby, and there's only 2 ways to do it wrong:

    • accidentally kill fish and not learn anything from the experience
    • not have fun

    Everything else?

    There's as many ways to cycle a tank, and probably even more ways to season a tank, as there are aquarists, tanks, and ornamental fish.

    So, have fun with it!

    As long as you don't have fish in there already, what's the worst thing that can happen, really?

    “I had a 120 gallon breeding tank, and several 75, plus a custom build headboard that was 60 gallons for a breeding pair. They have opinions, lol.”

    You know it’s a lie without pictures🤭

    “The powdery sand will resolve itself. Everytime you do a water change, you'll stir it up until plant roots start anchoring it”

    That’s what I keep hearing and you’re right I keep stirring it all up. So I’m not going  do any more water changes.


    “accidentally kill fish and not learn”

    I did that once. I had one sick discus who was losing slime coat and we all know what that means, and then I went to go work on another tank and I sworn I washed my hands I ALWAYS do but clearly I didn’t and that shit spread like wildfire through all my tanks and it was MY fault🥺 talk about many meds, and expense but I never lost one. I lost part of my heart that week😕

    I was thinking about getting one Discus. I know it’s not good to have two ~ three is better as there is always a bully but six is even better.  I had one discus that I rescued who lived with an angelfish for years they did great!

    Anyways I’m gonna put in this filter floss that I got with my ammonia bottle, so the question I’m having now because I’d like to do that now is do I take out all my other sponges and put that in by itself?  It’s a tiny filter.

    And so after I do that which I’d like to do right now, do I go hit with ammonia or wait?  I’ll be back for this and then tell me how much ammonia😜






  13. OK I don’t have to be at work tomorrow until two and I’m up so early. I’m gonna clean the tank try to suck up all the crappy sand dust. And then I’ll be back and you guys can tell me how much to hit it and what the next step is don’t tell me now, I will forget😂

    how much

    how often

    and I had other questions but I can’t remember because I’m just coming off of a 12 hour shift so I’ll try to remember!  



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  14. On 6/15/2022 at 7:20 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    Omg I finally now know what ORD means 🤣


    Yes! That was the funniest thing! I was rolling when I read that!!! @sweetpoison you rock!

    I didn’t know what that meant either I’m stealing it Torrey🤫

    @Chick-In-Of-TheSeathank you for always being here seriously all you guys!  I’m going to be hitting that tank with ammonia tomorrow I think I’m not sure what to do first suck up all the powdery stuff and clean it up. Because I can’t do that after I hit it with ammonia can I?


    I guess my wet pets are going to  follow me all around🤪🤔

  15. On 6/15/2022 at 6:01 PM, Torrey said:

    I'm ORD (out of reactions for the day) and wanted to say thank you for the chuckles (I appreciate blunt honesty, like "said no one ever"), and the sincere HONEST help in here.

    @sweetpoison if you managed to keep discus thriving in more than one tank, then my recommendation is....


    Breathe. Trust yourself to listen to your tank. I love Cory's video using M7M's for cycling tanks... I love his video explaining the difference between cycled and seasoned even more. You said you want a little easier this time round (and not doing daily water changes) so I offer you a challenge:

    Go slow.

    Pay attention to your tank, and what order the different algaes show up.

    Pay attention to the things you didn't get to pay attention to when you had discus (also my favorite species I've bred so far, and way more work or energy than I am currently willing/able to invest)


    Have fun

    Ask questions

    Boldly screw up in a fully committed kind of way, just to see what happens next (it's the secret to having fun)

    And never stop asking questions, the worst thing we do as a society is shame people into not asking questions for fear of looking foolish. Your questions reinvigorate the hobby with fun. It's supposed to be fun, right?

    Welcome to the forum!

    I loved your post thank you very much Torrey! My bacteria ammonia stuff is at my house now! So excited except I don’t know what I’m doing because my tank p is so cloudy and I don’t know if I should go ahead and hit it with that stuff or vacuum and clean it up get rid of that powdery sand or I don’t know what step to do first so I’ll be back in the morning!  I’ll be looking for you😂 these are my discus! One of my tanks and they were very mad at me they do that when I have just finished a water change😂


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  16. Thank you so much you’re very kind!  I had three or four I can’t remember now, 55 gallons of discus, my favorite fish in the whole world. But they require pristine water conditions and I did water changes every single day 🥴but that was years ago its going to be simpler now!

    But reading over everybody’s post I’m learning SO much in this thread.  And I think I remember we just used straight household ammonia, but I don’t have any. So I ordered Tim’s lol. I have a Kazillion questions about that but I’ll wait till I get it!

    That’s funny you should say that about some people don’t like to alter their tank’s appearance with yet another thing. That’s the first thing I thought when I stuck that puppy up there next to the thermometer that never EVER seems to change🤔 But that’s another thread in other topic, I’m gonna get the floating thermometer however I remember chasing that thing all around my tank trying to get it😂

    • Like 1
  17. On 6/14/2022 at 1:50 AM, Pepere said:


    I was not aware the Seachem monitor card was indicating specifically the Free ammonia.

     However your test strip or liquid test will not likely agree with the card.

    I like the fact the Seachem monitor card is specifically alerting you to toxic free ammonia.

     I do like the idea of a monitor card one can glance at any time you are feeding the fish.

     Of course you are weighing that against the appearance of the monitor card in your tank…

    “However your test strip or liquid test will not likely agree with the card”

    How come?


    “I like the fact the Seachem monitor card is specifically alerting you to toxic free ammonia”

    I like it too then☺️

    “Of course you are weighing that against the appearance of the monitor card in your tank…”

    Pep ~ I don’t understand this statement🤔



  18. On 6/14/2022 at 6:11 AM, Hannah Parker said:

    Yeah this one will work perfectly

    It’s going in my cart right  now @ Amazon and I’m getting it and I’ll be back for further instructions from you guys, the experts🥰

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  19. On 6/9/2022 at 7:56 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    I thought of something else. If you are just using coarse sponge in your HOB and your sponge filter, you may want to add filter floss to it also. I found that coarse only was not enough to keep my water clear. This is the stuff I use, in addition to my coarse sponge.

    So it should be arriving tomorrow the filter floss. Do I take out my other sponges? Because I just have a tiny filter only a 20 gallon long

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