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Posts posted by sweetpoison

  1. Once again I have changed my fishes🤭


    I’m not getting a Betta.  I’m going to get Rummynose tetras, neon tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Celestial Pearl Danio, Harlequin Rasboras.  I’ve been reading for hours so they’re all compatible.  Unless you guys tell me different😐 only have a 20 gallon tank so I don’t wanna overdo it. How Many of each and do I get them all at the same time?

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  2. On 6/1/2022 at 11:03 AM, Jeff said:

    I use a T8 florescent Aqueon bulb on my 10g planted tank.

    So guys!  I don’t even have bulbs on this 20 gallon tank lid ~ it’s like little circuits that are plugged. So I would have to get a whole new lid with tube bulbs… if and when I decide to replace it right?

  3. On 6/1/2022 at 10:08 AM, lefty o said:

    i currently have 1 nicrew, and a couple hygger's. i prefer the hygger as they adjust. i would fill your tank up, and run the light it has for a while, then decide if you need something different.

    That’s a very good idea that’s what I was gonna do. I’m gonna fill it up tomorrow I’m so excited kinda hope it doesn’t pop!

  4. 8472069C-B9F1-45FC-A470-09CC97C0342C.jpeg.a1f4fb126592db088fdbf619006dab97.jpegThe lighting I have on my 20 gallon is too bright I think!  What do you guys think?  Perhaps things will look a little darker when I fill this up with water. Actually that will be tomorrow I think.Perhaps things will look a little darker when I fill this up with water. Actually that will be tomorrow I think.

    When I had my other tanks years ago I just went and bought two new tubes but I forgot, what lighting  I wanted.  Not sure why two pictures showed up in different spots🤦‍♀️

  5. Well I am finished with my tank!  Hopefully it’s not going to pop when I fill it up, and my plants won’t float to the top and die😩

    lol Having said that ~

    Myy light is too bright on the tank it annoys me!  I remember switching the lights on my tanks in the past because I didn’t have the effect I wanted ~ wish I don’t even know what that is anymore but this is too bright.

     So I’m going to fill it up with water, add prime, run the filter put on the heat. And then what’s next?  Test my water for parameters?  And then I need to start cycling this tank ~ I have no fish food and I don’t really want to cycle with fish.  I know what my parameters should be I just don’t remember how to get there😂

    As far as my fish ~ not for a while I’m sure

    I wanted to get a Betta and some Tetras ~ Do I get them all at once Or the Betta first?

    Thanks guys hanging with me I know it’s taking me a long time to get to this point🤭


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  6. On 5/29/2022 at 8:45 PM, FlyingFishKeeper said:

    Hi, I'm seconding the Aquahuna option, if you live in the US, I got my betta very healthy a few months ago after seeing him on the livestream. They definitely ship well (double bagged, insulated, the whole nine yards), and have great customer support.

    Thank you!  Do have a picture of your beta?

  7. Thank you so much!  You guys are so awesome here ~ every time I start to freak out I think wait…I’ll go see what you guys think♥️😂

    On 5/27/2022 at 8:18 AM, PithyUserName said:

    That upright birch is really original. I like it. Wonder if supergluing it to the tank might have sped up the set up?

    Thank you it looks so awesome when it gets wet too it will be a beautiful color. I have super glued it to rocks,  on the side, and rocks on the bottom and it’s soaked it for two weeks. Those puppies float up I will just have to come back here and freak out😂🫣

    • Haha 1
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  8. Seriously? 👏You have gravel on the bottom too and then you added sand?

    So do you think I need more sand?  look at my picture?  It’s just all a rough draft nothing is final here ~ I’ve been playing this for months. Only thing that is final is my Forestwood.  Can’t really see the gravel except a little bit, except on the sides and I don’t really care about that.





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  9. On 5/4/2022 at 5:51 PM, lefty o said:

    soak it until it quits floating. every piece of wood will be different in how long it takes to get water logged.

    Well it’s been almost a week nothing is floating😂 but it sure is pretty when it’s wet!


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  10. Hey Lefty!  Can you tell me how much aquarium soil I would need for a 20 gallon long. I’m getting myself so confused and I don’t wanna over buy ~ taking my time on this aquarium. Can you tell😂. I’m having a slope in the background so I’m thinking 3 inches maybe or two I really don’t know. I read somewhere 12 L. 2 pounds to a liter does that sound right to you?

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