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Henry the fish keeper

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Everything posted by Henry the fish keeper

  1. You´re welcome! And follow the instructions on the paracleanse box. After, you finish the first round of paracleanse do a water change and dose it again after 2 weeks. If nothing improves you should try Expel-P.
  2. You should do a water change before dosing it again.
  3. Paracleanse is pretty close to Expel-P as Paracleanse have a dewormer ingredient called Praziquantel. So, you should try dosing paracleanse.
  4. It could be wasting disease. You should dose medication like Expel-P.
  5. I think the KH is enough for guppies. The guppy in picture one looks a bit skinny.
  6. I have kept mosquito fish before they bred like wildfire!
  7. I had a guppy fish named Cloudy and she liked catching bubbles with her mouth.
  8. Not the best picture though. But here´s the picture I am most proud of. Also, its a bit blurry for some reason.
  9. Yeah I guess your right. Wait is it possible for them to have Expel-P?
  10. I want an alternative that is easy to get in a petco or petsmart.
  11. Is there such thing as a Expel-P alternative? If there is let me know!
  12. Something I forgot to mention is that after 4 days when i dumped the second bag of general cure it came back. I will try dosing it again to see if there is any improvenments.
  13. I finished the second round of general cure and gonna do the second round 2 weeks later. Although, the disease died down for a while it came back. What should I do? 😭
  14. Yep, and please give me updates if you see improvements or not.
  15. Something I forgot to mention is my fish love those algae chips they pick and take chunks out of it.
  16. For me personally, it looks like his tail has been nipped. What kind of tankmates do you have with him?
  17. I am currently trying to keep molly fish alive. I know people say they are easy to keep not for me though 😭.
  18. Will vegetable based food work? Like algae wafers/thins.
  19. Hey everyone! Planning to get some balloon mollies and I watched @Irene care guide about balloon mollies. Should I be aware of anything before I go and get balloon mollies?
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