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Everything posted by BAT

  1. I found some good stuff when they had the 50% off. It was almost $1/gallon for some stuff
  2. Nerms, I just gravel vac’d an established tank and the water was brown. What is that brown dust in the water when you gravel vac? Where does it come from?
  3. BAT

    Betta Fin Help

    Have u tried a hospital tank with salt? Salt and kanaplex worked miracles for me.
  4. BAT

    Betta Fin Help

    What is the temp in the tank?
  5. Do i need to take it apart and clean it when I see this? Will it prevent proper functioning?
  6. Are the ones that are like 2-3mm too small?
  7. Hi All, I have a NICREW light on my 10g. It works ok, but I don’t think it gets great distribution to the sides of the tank. I was thinking of buying the Fluval 3.0 22W but it’s out of stock on Amazon right now. What do you think of the Fluval 3.0 Nano? Should that only be used with a square aquarium?
  8. How big do the snails have to be to feed them to an amazon puffer? And can they be too big?
  9. I agree with @quikv6 salt works wonders i see plants so you might have to move to a quarantine tank if you don’t want to worry about the plants.
  10. I have noticed air bubbles intermittently coming out of the sponge of my sponge filter. Much much fewer than come out of the tube, but I hadn’t noticed this since putting it in 3 mos ago. Is this normal?
  11. @Irene discussed bringing her betta to a new home by plane - on her Girl Talks Fish Channel
  12. @Guppysnailwhich heaters do u use in ur 20g?
  13. Thank you all! Turns out that I had stopped the sponge filter to feed him this morning and for got to turn it on! That might have been it. Will keep and eye. Thanks for the reassurance.
  14. Hi All, I noticed some film on my bettas QT tank. See pic. Only thing I add is IAL, seqchem stress and bacteria blend. Thoughts? Is this bad? Fish doing fine.
  15. I have noticed a lot of posting about hard water and plants. I have very hard water- >180 on the AC strips. what should I be on the lookout for in my planted tank?
  16. I got an Inkbird for Christmas and love it- except for the E5 error at 230a. But once I adjusted the continuous power time limit and got the temp in the tank up, I haven’t had any problems.
  17. @xXInkedPhoenixXthank you i did an immediate water change and things seem to be moving in the right direction!
  18. Hi All - since my last post I have been doing 30% salt free water changes every 5-7 days in the QT for Cutie. Today I noticed a small hole beginning in his Doral fin where his last fin rot spot had appeared during his recent fin rot episode. see previous photo where he appears darker. The new photo is where he appears blue. you may have to enlarge photo. I use a magnifying glass to check on him -yes my family rolls their eyes LOL so I am wondering if I should restart the salt again? I tested the water and there is a smidgen of nitrite - like the water has a hint of purple in the blue. the ammonia is 0. the nitrate is 10. its a 10G QT. has a sponge filter and is set at 80 degrees with IAL (see yellow tint). no gravel or plants; two huts and a betta log to hide in. behavior same. even flaring more than when he was sick. thanks!
  19. That is the one thing I have going for me! Hard water!
  20. I am working on getting a new tank (20 long) set up (Dagobah theme from Star Wars). I was going to start with dalmation mollies for storm troopers. I have only had a betta and snails. Important things I should know? Thanks in advance!
  21. @jwcarlsoni lived in Iowa city for 3 years! Where in Iowa do you live?
  22. You might try working daphnia into her feeding regimen. It helps with digestion.
  23. I have seen a bunch of different airline tubing in terms of flexibility and color. Is the difference mainly preference? Or should I be choosing based on specific needs?
  24. I searched but can’t find the beta food video. @Torrey was it a live show? Or was it the one where she talks about breeding?
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