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Everything posted by Wellxam

  1. Likely camera, to my eye water looks pretty clear, this is with the camera cleaned. Front (exterior) glass could probably use a wipe too.
  2. Thanks for the input, yes everything in the videos was chasing, the exception I mentioned was something that I noticed off-camera. I should add that last night he did leave his spot when I fed, I’ve yet to look this morning to see if he is still there, but basically all of yesterday he was camping that spot.
  3. Thank you very much ;~) and yes, my favorite was the little “cloud” that stayed suspended above the sponge filter for quite awhile!
  4. Ok, this alone is well worth my joining this forum, X~D
  5. This is what I recall from the first time I moved my tanks, I don't know how much of this was good thinking, and how much might be horrible advice, but nothing died in my move that I am aware of. I was only moving about a 2 hour drive away, so take that into account as well. I had a 5gallon betta tank, which I basically just had someone help me carry out to the car and drive in-tact, I may have removed some water, but I don't really remember, if I was smart I emptied 1/4-1/2 of the water. the 20L I loaded the guppies into a bucket, with their aquarium water, and lowered the water level to about an inch or so above the substrate in the tank, mostly to keep the bacteria/biological filtration in-tact, but also because I was too lazy to net out all my neocardinia shrimp, so again, I got assistance loading tank into car, and the shrimp were sloshed around once or twice, but otherwise seemed unscathed. As I was making a relatively short drive, I did not set up filtration/heat for the fishes, but I think best practice in either case would be to do so. Also, if it is possible to move furniture into place before moving your tank, that would be ideal, however if you must move everything at once, have a plan (and pack things in a manner which allows) to get the fish settled in sooner than later, e.g. not packing tank and stand under EVERYTHING ELSE. You shouldn't be in a rush to do it, as that will cause mistakes, but remember after unpacking all day, you are more likely to either forget the fish, or be too tired to do things optimally, so the sooner they are handled, the better!
  6. Thank you very much, that is quite the fish room setup you have there, that looks like my goal, when I get back into my own place again, did you build those shelves yourself?
  7. If you remember giving a feather in a parking lot of a pet store in Peotone, Il, then perhaps ;~)
  8. So, I have noticed an odd behavior in one of my danios, and I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced anything like this before, or has any insight on this. Backstory: Tank is a 55Gallon approximately, and currently houses 8 zebra danios, 11 cardinal tetras, 2 young (pre-breedable/sexable) bristlenose plecos, 2 nerite snails, and a few snails that probably snuck in on some Co Op plants. Ammonia/Nitrite both have been consistantly 0, nitrates were between 10-20ppm, and have been declining since ich, and feeding has been reduced. Tank has been treated for visible ich for the last 5 days, (caught very early, 3-4 visible spots on a few fish, mostly the cardinals but there were a few on danios, I have no way of knowing if the danio in question was affected.) and today will be the last day, as I've seen no visible signs, unless I see something tomorrow morning. Danios seem to stress a little when I added the meds, as they went from basically being all over the place, to all of them at once the first time I added it, second day about half of them schooled, the rest were completely oblivious, and remaining days, they might have schooled for a short period, then went back about their lives. From what I can tell, danio X is a male, please correct me if you know me to be wrong. The Spawn-Camping: So the best I can describe the behavior is that he is camping in this one spot, and chasing (almost) all of the other danios away. There was one time I noticed an exception where he and an apparent female, seemed less like they were chasing, and more like what I witnessed in an example egg-scatterer breeding behavior video, where they were moving in more of a dance, circling each other and even touching a few times, though they were away from his "camp," but not super far. it seems like he may have been either eating something coming up from the rocks, or attempting to, maybe...? (i've been staring at him quite awhile today, I might be making things up in my head.) From the research I have done, I didn't find anything substantial about danios being territorial, nor any kind of egg-guarding behavior, in fact I presume they will eat their eggs, due to their general derpiness. I have no reason to believe he is ill, or that something is wrong, when I shined a flashlight in to see if I noticed anything in the cracks, he fled pretty quick, and has been very energetic in chasing the trespassers away. Any insight or theories, or potential experiments to find out more would be greatly appreciated. I am really enjoying danios, and their general crazy derpieness, they may get their own tank when I get my angelfish, as I suspect they will annoy the hell out of my angels! My theories are: Guarding terretory Guarding eggs Guarding something delicious that is HIS! Just being VERY committed to being a derpy danio I shot 2 videos of the behavior, a 5 minute real-time video, as well as a time-lapse over 2-3hours while I was doing other stuff. Real-time: Time-lapse:
  9. I'm flattered x~D you have a good taste in names, what kind of bird ;~? I met a giant parrot-like bird once(forgot the species name that the owner gave me), the owner gave me one of his feathers, after telling me that she had to make will arrangements for him, as he would easily outlive her!
  10. Hello everyone, my name is Maxwell... (in unison)*Hi Maxwell* And I've come to Aquarists Anonymous to... wait a second... is that not what this is? Well, this was my final attempt to stay dry, so I guess I'll just double down on my addiction instead! So I started in this hobby probably 3-4 years ago. I got a betta tank, got addicted, got a 20L with shrimp and guppies, and eventually added another guppy to that tank! after that, I got a new job, where I could learn a lot, and grow exponentially in my skill-set, and for 6 months commuted 3+ hours a day, until I could move to be closer to work, moved, brought the tanks along, and continued on my merry way. Work started becoming no fun whatsoever (I know this is the typical case, but I am a dog trainer, so prior to this I almost always enjoyed my work.) long hours, crappy pay, no life whatsoever outside of work. My tanks were becoming very neglected about a year into my employment, so I re-homed what survived, and kept my little 10 gallon with shrimp, that pretty much kept themselves alive for the year to follow. I then learned that I truly meant nothing to the people I worked for, so I called my previous employer who was ecstatic to hear that I wanted to come back, and moved back in with dad, to help soften the blow, and get me financially more fit to live on my own again. With some free time on my hands again, I took to random youtube rabbit holes, and somewhere stumbled upon old Aquarium Co-Op and other aquarium videos that reminded me of the love I once had for this hobby. priority #1 was to clean up the shrimp tank and put some TLC into it. (OMGHairAlgae) The photo posted is the first photo I took to show my friend how bad it was, and this was after quite a bit of cleaning, a water change, etc... It is funny to think however that this is the third aquarium I ever created, and has *ehem* "technically" been running continuously since I first filled it up, its moved a few times, but it is the aquarium with the most character for sure, and I would say it is exotically "seasoned!" (Rehabbing10G) This has come a far way, and is definitely a much more happy home for the shrimp, and their new betta friend "Jack!" while this may have been a guilt-motivated project, it pulled out everything in me that used to enjoy this hobby, and life in general! That basically leads me to where I am today, luckily I kept all of my old tanks, equipment, decorations etc... in storage, and was happy to find out they still held water, with no leaks! so I have set up a 55gal (approximately, I had to measure and do maths, as this particular tank I picked up on the side of the road, and it was something over 50 gallons assuming I did it right.) which I plan to house cardinal tetra's and Angels, perhaps some corydoras as well. at the moment, it houses some zebra danios, and cardinal tetras, as well as 2 bristlenose plecos (super young lemon blue eyes, my FAVORITE!!! ;~). Basically the long and short of it is addiction is hard to beat, and MAAAAAAAAAN did the bug bite me again! P.S. Cory, do you think my husky/boxer, beagle/boxer, and 3 German shepherds could live in a 75Gallon tank together peacefully, assuming I have an Aquarium Co Op large sponge filter installed ;~? ;~P P.P.S. I live in the south suburbs of Chicago, if there are any fish nerds &/or clubs nearby ;~)
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