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CJs Aquatics

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Everything posted by CJs Aquatics

  1. @DiscusLover I’ve heard that as well, it’s what I’m leaning towards @Lennie the mystery snails I can confirm I have seen them eat it, but it’s probably too far gone to attempt that option lol @TOtrees over the years I’ve tried a number of things, craft mesh and a net work the best for me as a source of manual removal, however, one of my tanks just hatched a very small rarer fish I’ve been trying to breed for a while. I noticed the fry attach themselves to duckweed strands and sit all day. I don’t have a problem with the duckweed being in the tank except recently in the same tank it’s thrown something out of balance. Also it’s almost impossible to remove it without also accidentally missing and discarding this fish fry which I’ve only successfully bred once so my thought was if I could add something to eat it and leave the rest of the tank be I think it might be a viable option. @xXInkedPhoenixX I have on some of my other tanks the large tidals which really stirs the surface up and it still grows like crazy @Guppysnail I wish I had that issue regarding the snails eating it fast.
  2. Hey all, I’ve been losing a battle to duckweed for a while, looking to get something that eats it to tip the odds in my favor, any ideas, preferably something that is peaceful in a community but if necessary I’m prepared to go more extreme…
  3. Thanks for the shout out @Lennie, I agree we love whiptails, they don’t require much space eighter and after acclimation in my experience have been easy to keep and fun to watch. As far as what to do with the 29 the options are endless. I think rainbow shiners would be fun and if you got tired of them I believe you could put them in with the goldfish, would have to double check…
  4. I’m not sure if this helps, I love acrylic tanks but have only ever had glass ones but the premise appears the same. If I’m understanding the post correctly this would be along the same lines as making existing cut outs in the existing hood. As far as material I haven’t seen much in the way of acrylic for diy projects online but a lot of people use the greenhouse paneling to make lids, and I’m sure there could possibly be a working application with a little clever thought for a custom acrylic tank, shopping around you can find decent price points, anyway, here’s a recent coop video doing some lid customizing as well that might spark some thought, just my 2 cents…
  5. @Lennie I think you may be correct they are traveling in pairs together and one is bigger then the other in both pairs, I doubt I could be that lucky but maybe, still gonna try to get a pic when I can
  6. These appear at rough glance to have about 9 I’ll have to double check but that’s what it looked like
  7. Never had an issue with aqueons 40 gallons and less, can’t speak on the larger sizes
  8. Pea puffers like dogs, or bettas all have different personalities. Some are hyper aggressive, some are super calm. In my opinion (I keep them now as well) pending your parameters stay stable and you get lucky with some personalities that mesh the size of the tank itself will be no problem for 2
  9. This is where it gets hard, I was guessing Aeneus likes @Colu said but I’m not positive so I don’t know which ones to buy to increase the colony size, the guy said when I asked what they were “just regular green cories” but that was all the info I received at the time, I got them anyway bc who doesn’t love a good mystery, would love to source some more but want to get the same species
  10. Hey all, picked up 4 of these today to add to a community tank, they were sold to me as “green cories” but I was hoping someone could positively identify the scientific name for me as there are so many different types of “green cories” out there. Ideally I would have liked 6 but I don’t want to increase the colony size until I’m sure which species they are, below are some photos, sorry I’m a poor photographer…
  11. @Fish Folk yes it showed up, and notified me, it’s odd bc for a few days on some of the posts I posted it wasn’t an option at all, it’s on screen now
  12. Hey all, anyone having issues with receiving reactions on here, on my end it appears I can give them but can’t receive them. Checked my profile and there’s no restrictions I’m wondering if it’s a bug or if its just something I’m misunderstanding in some way?
  13. I think you will be alright but no two bettas seem to act the same so it’s definitely worth monitoring
  14. I personally like them I have them in most of my tanks
  15. Welcome back can’t wait to follow your journey
  16. I’ve had a heck of a struggle with pea puffers it’s finally starting to come to a halt. What helped me was adding leaves, prefilter sponge, and extremely stable parameters. I don’t think they care as much as people might say about whether or not the water is hard or soft but rather nitrates/ nitrites/ ammonia/ chlorine/ temp. I’ve found that with the ones I sourced even thriving if any one of these things swings in a different direction they have been much more sensitive to it then my other fish
  17. Should be delivering very soon based on her size and shape
  18. Happy Easter thank you for sharing, very nice tank and the glow shark is amazing would love to see more pictures of her
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