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  1. I am in need of some information, I have searched many forums and can’t seem to get a straight answer. I will be moving soon to an area with soft unstable water. PH 6.4/ KH 1dkh/ GH 2dgh, and I have never delt with soft water before. I will be looking at about 400 gallons worth of tanks in my fish room and 600 gallons of pond. I have mostly fish that need a ph of 7.4 and higher. I have watched the co-op videos and am aware that I need to use crushed coral. My questions are as follows: Question 1) Where could I get bulk supply of CC as I will need about 100 lbs? Question 2) About how long before adding my fish into the tanks should I wait for the PH/KH/GH to raise and become stable? Question 3) Upon doing water changes, will the parameters change and could it be harmful to my fish? Question 4) I saw that CC raise PH and KH but not so much GH. Do I need to add in wonder shell as well? Question 5) This will be the first time for me having a pond. How should I approach using CC in my pond or should I?
  2. Thank you, I didn’t know that plecos got caught in the nets.
  3. Thank you for the info. I will definitely share my progress as I go.
  4. I am trying to put together a shopping list and would like to know what my best options would be in regards to the aquarium co-op nets. I am building an out door fish room with a 110 gallon pond ( moderate to heavy planted), a 20 long quarantine tank, a 20 long breeding tank ( moderate planted), two 10 gal grow out tanks, and two 5 gal tanks. I plan on keeping bristle nose plecos, corydoras, guppies, rosy red minnows, and cherry shrimp. I know that there are many factors that are involve such as fish size, tank size, volumes of plants, and I am a little lost on which nests might be best. Also would the nano net work for brine shrimp?
  5. I put some Amazon Frogbit in the tank.
  6. I have top fin bacteria starter. My lfs told me to use seachem stability as well, but I’m worried about use a lot of chemicals.
  7. Yes I already have the pea puffer. I think when the snails started breeding it sent the ammonia way up. The tank is almost 2 months running
  8. I think we made a mistake. I set up a pea puffer tank. Once it was cycled, My wife and I added a couple of adult snails, in order to start a small colony. That way there would be food for the puffer once I got it. I left them in too long and now my water perimeters are off. 0.25 Ammonia, 0.25 Nitrite, 20 Nitrate. I have changed out the water 200%. Still nothing changed. I have hundreds of baby snails and I can’t get them all out. Every day they are creating more ammonia. What should I do?
  9. Does anyone have any information or resources for setting up an out door fish room? I live in Texas and the weather is all over the place. Temperature ranges from the 30’s to over 100, sometimes within just a day or two. I plan on building a small pond but for now just a few tanks.
  10. Do you have any information or resources for setting up an out door fish room? I live in Texas and the weather is all over the place. Temperature ranges from the 30’s to over 100, sometimes within just a day or two. I plan on building a small pond but for now just a few tanks.
  11. I just put in an order for easy green. What the best way to dose the tank.
  12. Should I cut the light down a few hrs, and see if it comes up a little.
  13. 1 adolescent Galaxy koi Plakat, and 1 adolescent rams horn snail, I feed frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp, live mosquito larvae, and pellets that I substitute when I’m out of when out of particular food.
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