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Posts posted by RyanR

  1. 6 minutes ago, Schwack said:

    Willing to bet things got too hot. I had been using a 60w incandescent in a clamping work light and with an ambient temp of 72F I had to keep it ~12" away or my temps would shoot well over 86F. You might consider snagging a cheap infrared thermometer off Amazon. I use mine whenever "close enough" is OK.

    Exactly what he said...lol.  My ambient temp is about 73 or so.  I thought originally I had to be only about 4 inches away and I was close to 90.  Those lights get pretty hot.  I end up being about a foot away, maybe 14 inches. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Billfromtx said:

    I also was surprised by that top layer. However, I do not have any shrimp. It's now 48 hours and barely any hatching. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


    My Setup:

    1.5 TSP Aquarium COOP Eggs

    Well water (Hardness, yes)

    PH is 7.5 to 8.0.

    1 L of water 

    2 TBS of Aquarium Salt

    Pinch of baking soda


    This is my 2nd batch, 1st batch I got maybe 30% hatch rate.


    What's your water temp?  I keep mine about 80° and I use @Dean’s FishroomFishroom method in this video.  I also only use 1 tsp of eggs, 1L of water and 2 tbsp of salt.  You are close enough with your recipe where your eggs should be hatching if your temp is ok.  To a certain limit, the lower your temp, the longer it will take your eggs to hatch.

  3. Just now, Cory said:

    Just know we don't carry the other finnex lights due to the high defect rate. 6 month warranty plus undersized ballast issue on those lights leaves a lot of people in the dark. I had a whole store of those lights. Steenfott had a whole fish room of them. Essentially all burned out over 18 months.

    Wow...thanks for the heads up.  @Cory do you think that the regular Stingray light will be sufficient for java fern, anubias, etc. and will light up a 29 gallon well enough to clearly see fish?  I have a Stingray 2 that's about a year old that is nice.  I just don't like the silver and I can't find a 30 inch.

  4. To give a little background first.  I have a 40 breeder with a Stingray 2 on it (like the light, but don't like the silver color), a 20 long and some other 10 gallons with the Hygger lights on them.  For Inexpensive lights, I like the Hygger lights, I just want something a little nicer on this since it will be in the den.  We are upgrading one of the 10 gallons to a 29 for Christmas and I am torn between the Stingray (1st version) and the Finnex Planted+.  I won't have CO2 and I don't think the plants will be anything too difficult (annubias, java fern, micro sword, etc).  My only concern with the Stingray is that it won't be enough light for the plants nor enough lights to illuminate the tank (I like semi-bright aquariums).  Any thoughts on these two lights.

    BTW...my budget doesn't fit a Fluval 😒

  5. I just got some last night from an LFS, but they were hard to find.  We had to drive a little over an hour to get them.  I have been actively looking for them for about a month. Before that, I was prepared to order them online and even then they were not easy to find.  I've had multiple people tell me they are hard to find because even though they can be prolific breeders, they grow slow.

  6. 2 months later, I finally got 5 Multies last night from a sort of LFS.  They were pretty small, maybe about 1/2 inch, but they were pretty cheap. about $15 each.  They were in really good shape and we get to watch them grow.  The best part is that they said when they have fry, they will buy the fish for store credit!  The kids are super excited.


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