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  1. Anyone have experience breeding leopard ctenopoma. I've seen the less common weeksii and ocellatum get bred as well as microctenopoma so i was wondering why there hasn't been success with the more common leopard ctenopoma.
  2. Congrats! How are your puffers houses together. I've heard that they can be aggressive to each other compared to palembangensis but this might just be guesswork based on their more violent feeding response.
  3. I'm definetely interested in the baileyi. I'm planning a custom 60" by 24" by 18" aquarium for a colony of lurker puffers after reading your experience. Baileyi should be one of the more active ones right? I'm thinking a colony of 5-6 of whatever is more active between palembangensis and baileyi as these are the most attainable for me right now although I'm not sure if miurus could be communal. Does gender ratio matter in your experience? Also how many Baileyi can I add to my tank?
  4. Came across some hongsloi in my LFS and I'm instantly hooked.Need to know all about them.Currently my plan is to keep a group of 4-5 but I'm not sure how males will fare with each other. Another option is to pair them up with some bolivian rams.Tank size hasn't been decided yet but they'll be temporarily stored in a 40 gallon and I'll be open to anything under 90 gallons for their next tank as it will be a planted community tank with them as the centerpiece.However, I'm having trouble planning out the rest of the tank. I'm hearing mixed reports of temperature such as keeping them 80+ as thats the "natural temp" or around 75 to lengthen their lifespan. Because I want other fish that would thrive at their temperature, I have been at a roadblock in this regard. I think they only live in a restricted area in the wild so I'm not sure if there are schooling fish they are sympatric with.Also, I'd assume I can't do bottom feeders. This is primarily a community tank and I have smaller tanks for rearing fry, but when they get their breeding aggression, I've read they will poke eyes out of cories so I don't think cories + apisto will be doable. Are there any bottom feeders that are doable?
  5. What parameters do people have most success with pea puffer breeding. Currently my puffers are at 75-77 C with ph or 7
  6. Bought a new 33 long and I was planning a pea puffer tank with the hope of breeding them. Wondering if I could keep sewellia with the puffers. I know puffers do well with kuhli loaches and I figured sewellia would be similar. I've read reports of hobbyists keeping sewellia in low or moderate flow from HOB filters as well as sewellia lineolata coming from rivers in vietnam that range from 75-79 F (24-26 C) I will probably keep the tank temps at 77-79. Also, puffers seem to tolerate some easy flowing water naturally, at least from the videos i've seen.
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