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  1. P.S> Also you might be able to clip the top 5 inches or so and let the rest regrow. I have had Crypt Lutea look a lot like that and the Excel worked.
  2. Oh my, so sorry. I have used Seachem Excel and Aqueon's similar liquid carbon product with great affect on black beard algae in the past. Takes about 4 or 5 days dosing every day.
  3. I have had a number of Crypt wendtii melts over the years and mine always came back stronger and lusher. I hope your do too.
  4. These ideas are brilliant! I have some red root floaters coming as some as the storms let up and was wondering what I was going to do. Now I know! Thank you all!
  5. I am loving your channel and now the forum. Got here from Bentley Pascoe's YT channel. I just enjoy your(and Bentley's) philosophy and approach! I am still learning SO much. Currently just starting back on my 29 gallon VERY neglected tank. I did NOTHING with it for months. the Anubias and Crypt Lutea grew so thick even my poor platys couldn't swim. I literally pulled out maybe 2 dozen large beautiful plants just to give some room. Then I suddenly got the "plant bug" and discovered your channel. I have never been into using chemicals, as a rule, to get things "perfect". Firstly because it rarely worked plus I am cheap. I have found live plants really make a big difference. Anyway big shout out to you all! Jim
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