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Everything posted by GoldenGardner

  1. Update today, all fish that were alive last night are alive today! Ammonia is still at .5ppm but I did add the Prime yesterday, so hoping that helps protect the fish. Will add it again after 24 hours. I also did add two small live plants to the tank. 1 Dwarf Hairgrass and 1 Rotala Indica. I was originally thinking that they would help produce Nitrates and reduce the ammonia, but now realize they could die in there and increase the ammonia. I do see there's a leave that fell off the Rotala and it's stuck in the side of the filter.
  2. Oh great. I watched a video that Cory did about Ammonia and how Prime binds the ammonia for 24 hours. I'll go get some of that in a bit and add it!
  3. Yeah I didn't feed them today. I'm not sure how long to go without feeding them though. Do you think it would be ok to feed them tomorrow. Or not at all until ammonia levels are down?
  4. Thank you! Yes, I forgot to say that I did test to make sure the filter was working properly and pulling stuff up.
  5. Originally posted this in the introductions, but I'm not sure if that's the right place to put it. HI! From near Fall City in Washington! I found your video's last night. I thought the video on ammonia buildup was great! I explained it to my kids this morning using a similar method. Really easy to understand. I got a "new to us" 29 Gallon tank last Monday. Monday the 11th. I tested the tank to make sure it didn't leak on Tuesday and then filled it up in the house Wednesday. We live off a pristine well. I let the water sit in the tank until Saturday when we received fish as a gift. 6 Guppies, 6 Neon Tetra's, 2 Cory Catfish, and 1 mystery snail. Also we received NEW filter parts and I changed everything out in the filter. NOW, I know this was all a mistake, but it's a little late to undo everything. The first fish died right away and we got a replacement fish from Denny's before we knew what was happening. That fish also died by Monday the 18th. We went back to Denny's, and they said they would not replace the fish because the tank needed to fully cycle. At that point I bought a test kit, and Stability additive. It says to put three capfuls in based on the size of the tank for the first day then one capful each day after. I fed the fish Monday. Tuesday no fish died. I fed the fish Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday a neon tetra died. (Also missing, another Neon Tetra, and one of the catfish.) So I started watching videos last night and watched Cory's video. I tested the water last night at 11pm and the ammonia was between .5 and 1ppm I put more of the stability in because I could not change the water at that point. This morning I changed out 50% of the water, careful to make sure that the water temp was ok. I put in 3 more capfuls of stability in. I did not feed the fish this morning.Now when I changed the water out, there was a lot of particulates that were floating in the water after. A LOT. Am I supposed to try and capture those particulates. Or will they get pulled into the filter? I finished the water change 10 minutes to 10 and going to do another test after an hour. Do I do another water change today? The fish are clearly stressed. One of the male guppies is swimming at the top and just looks so stressed out. I feel terrible. I'd love to know if there's anything else I can add to help the fish. I've learned a lot the last few days and know that adding the fish in right away was not right. If I add live plants would that help? Here is a picture of our set up.29 Gallon tank.Fluval 206 FilterAqueaon HeaterBubble LED thing (Not on in picture) Really Cool LED light bar on top. Update: Tested the water after an hour and still in the .5ppm range. Update 2: Spoke to my dad, and he said to pull out the large formations in the tank and find the missing catfish. Did that and found the decomposing catfish. Removed the catfish. Also removed the Guppy that was clearly struggling, he was bloated and had been near the top of the tank, but was now at the bottom on the rocks, still alive but not moving. Update: Tested the water after the removal and still at or between .25 and .5 for the ammonia. Last Question: Should I perform another water change TODAY??? Pic of Tank before removing the large rock and chest.
  6. After discussion with my dad, we decided to pull the big stone and pirate chest out to find the catfish that's missing. I pulled it and sure enough found a decomposing catfish. Should I do another water change today?
  7. Just checked on the fish and that male guppy that is struggling was down all the way at the bottom. Still a live but not moving at all. Just on the rocks. So Pulled him out of the tank. Is that the right thing to do? He's in a small tupperware with water right now. He did run around when I was trying to get him. Ammonia retest is at .5 to .25 now.
  8. HI! From near Fall City in Washington! I found your video's last night. I thought the video on ammonia buildup was great! I explained it to my kids this morning using a similar method. Really easy to understand. I got a "new to us" 29 Gallon tank last Monday. Monday the 11th. I tested the tank to make sure it didn't leak on Tuesday and then filled it up in the house Wednesday. We live off a pristine well. I let the water sit in the tank until Saturday when we received fish as a gift. 6 Guppies, 6 Neon Tetra's, 2 Cory Catfish, and 1 mystery snail. Also we received NEW filter parts and I changed everything out in the filter. NOW, I know this was all a mistake, but it's a little late to undo everything. The first fish died right away and we got a replacement fish from Denny's before we knew what was happening. That fish also died by Monday the 18th. We went back to Denny's, and they said they would not replace the fish because the tank needed to fully cycle. At that point I bought a test kit, and Stability additive. It says to put three capfuls in based on the size of the tank for the first day then one capful each day after. I fed the fish Monday. Tuesday no fish died. I fed the fish Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday a neon tetra died. (Also missing, another Neon Tetra, and one of the catfish.) So I started watching videos last night and watched Cory's video. I tested the water last night at 11pm and the ammonia was between .5 and 1ppm I put more of the stability in because I could not change the water at that point. This morning I changed out 50% of the water, careful to make sure that the water temp was ok. I put in 3 more capfuls of stability in. I did not feed the fish this morning. Now when I changed the water out, there was a lot of particulates that were floating in the water after. A LOT. Am I supposed to try and capture those particulates. Or will they get pulled into the filter? I finished the water change 10 minutes to 10 and going to do another test after an hour. Do I do another water change today? The fish are clearly stressed. One of the male guppies is swimming at the top and just looks so stressed out. I feel terrible. I'd love to know if there's anything else I can add to help the fish. I've learned a lot the last few days and know that adding the fish in right away was not right. If I add live plants would that help? Here is a picture of our set up. 29 Gallon tank. Fluval 206 Filter Aqueaon Heater Bubble LED thing (Not on in picture) Really Cool LED light bar on top.
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