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  1. Thanks I have got them to the baby brine shrimp size now I feed them live brine sera micron and micro worms and vinager eels
  2. I’m sorry they are Mel herbertaxolrodi
  3. So I have a question I have about 70 or so rainbow fry in a 10 gallon how long do you think I can keep them in there before moving them to a 29 gallon
  4. I have a 30 gallon aquarium it is getting over run with bba I have been dosing with easy carbon and can’t tell any difference if anything it’s getting worse what are some ways to get rid of it any advice will be greatly appreciated
  5. I already have Bolivian rams in the tank it has been cycled for a few months now will ammonia still spike I got my plants from aquarium coop for the most part they all look like they are already mostly converted
  6. I just converted my 60 gallon aquarium over from fake plants to live plants of the plants start to melt back will it cause a ammonia spike my other tanks I started them off with plants before adding fish I am just a little worried
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