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Everything posted by JerseyBundy

  1. Just notice this today. Moving on my fish tank glass ,scrunching up to move across the glass. What is it and how do I get rid of it?
  2. I add fish food flakes . Ammonia is reading 0.25 ppm, Nitrites 0 ppm, Nitrates 1.0 ppm. I was afraid to add anything from the 10 g filter media because I had medicated some tetras a week before. Thank you for the ideas.
  3. Hello , started a 38 gallon a week ago. Currently in a fishless cycle. I've added a handful of gravel from my 10 gallon cycled tank as well as a couple plants. Added a bottle of Fritz Zyme 7 too. Just wondering if I'm going about it the right way and would love some suggestions as well.
  4. Hello people,  looking for ideas for my 38 gallon freshwater tank.  Please share your thoughts.  At the moment I'm doing a fishless cycle .More plants will be going in.


  5. Hello my fellow fish lovers.. I'm recently getting back into the hobby. Had fish tanks while growing up and the last time I had a fish tank. I was in my 20s with a 55 gallon with cichlids. Decided to get a 10 gallon started which I regret, should of got something bigger. But was afraid of the rookie mistakes which I made plenty of them. But started to do some research and bumped into Aquarium co op. Learn alot and learned that alot has changed. As time goes by I hope to learn more and meet some new fish loving friends. Hope everyone has a great day. 🤓
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