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  1. More issues with the test strips.. it has to be something about my local water. Had some fish die and i could smell ammonia in the water but the Coop test strips read zero API reads .5 ppm. Something about my local water most affect how the test strips read. Needless to say its very frustrating
  2. South Carolina has a huge amount of amazing fish that i feel most people who live here don't even know about them. Glad your enjoying my thread tho!
  3. Update: Species Identified as White Tubercled Crayfish (Procambarus spiculifer). I'm still not 100% certain but it seems to be the case.
  4. Unable to properly identify this species of crayfish but i do have some guesses. Possibly a Appalachian Brook Crayfish or maybe a Paper-Shell Crayfish. Collected in a very small stream in Upstate South Carolina. Any help getting a proper ID is appreciated! Date collected: 06/19/2021
  5. Ameiurus catus (White Catfish or White BullHead) a species of catfish closely related to other bullheads and often miss identified as a Channel Catfish. The key differences between the two are the anal fin is much more rounded in White Cats as well as the tail is more of a rounded shape with a mellow fork. The Channel Cat in comparison has a much sharper fork in the tail and is not nearly as rounded. One of the main give a ways is a White Cats whiskers on the bottom of the chin will be white. (Also note the White Cat has almost a blue coloration on the top of the eyes as well as a darker colored fin just before the tail on its back) Collected in a private pond but relatively easy to find in larger rivers and lakes. Collection Date 6/4/2021
  6. Lepomis macrochirus (Blue Gill) a part of the sunfish family. Very wide spread throughout North America and especially abundant in the South East United States. This particular fish (pictured below) is a young Blue Gill approximately 3 to 3.5 inches in length was caught in a small pond via fishing pole and kayak. Commonly these fish will mostly live in and around fallen trees limbs or cover of some kind where they will be able to hunt for food. Collection Date 6/4/2021
  7. Pictured below is a species of Chub i believe to be Semotilus atromaculatus (Creek Chub). Collected in a very small stream in South Carolina. The stream i collected this fish in was no wider than 2 feet and no deeper than 6 inches at the time of collection; However the stream was very much teeming with life including crayfish and these small fish. The Creek Chubs were in a group around the log (pictured below). I counted approximately 12 to 15 fry here in just this small section of the creek. Most of the fry were between 1/2 and 3/4 of an inch and stayed fairly close to their log which they would dart under when i got close. These fish are no doubt mostly trapped here and will never reach adult hood in this stream, but if they manage to make it down stream they can swim into a river where they will be able to survive. Date Collected 6/1/2021
  8. The purpose of this thread is to document my collection of Native North American Fish (as well as other aquatic life) and their habitats. The methods used to collect are often dip net, micro fishing, standard fishing pole, and or hand caught.
  9. I cant see one but im not an expert either so I could be missing it. I'll try and get a better picture when I can
  10. Recently Ive noticed what i originally thought to be a female endler developing color. Is it actually a male or can females develop color as well? Shes the only female out of 20 or so with the colors.
  11. Ya I figured it was somthing like that going on. I know Cory and the team test stuff alot so I had no doubt that the strips should have been accurate which made me belive their was some outlying factors
  12. Alright so I recently picked up some test strips from the Coop. I tested on of my seasoned tanks and got a reading of 6.4 ph. (Tank has crushed coral mixed in with gravel). After testing with the strips I tested with my api liquid test kit because the 6.4 reading seemed way off what I usually keep my tanks at. The api kit gave a reading of 7.2 ph. I repeated these tests several times on multiple tanks all with the same result of my ph reading low on all my tanks according to the test strip and around 7.2 with api kit. My question is could there be somthing in my water affecting the ph reading on the strips? All other measurements on the strips match up (within reason) with the api kit. I love the strips im just lost on why I keep getting a reading of 6.4. If anyone has any inside ide appreciate it.
  13. Ya your video was one of the first I looked at on it. I've had it running for a month and haven't had any issues really but have noticed it does need to be cleaned after a month in my tank. Overall im fairly happy so far but thag could change in another month. Thanks for the input Jimmy
  14. Dont worry Dean ive got plenty good to say about it haha
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