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Posts posted by Colu

  1. What I would do is add plain unsented epsom salt to it's quarantine tank 1 table spoon for 5 gallons for 5 days as epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help relieve pressure on the swim bladder and do a course of maracyn2 or kanaplex just in cases there's a bacterial component @HelplessNewbie

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 9/22/2024 at 5:38 AM, Supermassive said:

    Would it be a good idea to move the male over first and leave the female by herself for a while?

    You could do that if the male is pestering the female that can be stressful when she getting ready to give birth 

    • Thanks 1
  3. I would say he's probably eaten to much I would fast him for a couple of days I would add the wafers in when the lights are out to stop the guppies eating them I would feed the guppies a smaller  pellet based food and some frozen or live brine shrimp and daphnia

  4. On 9/21/2024 at 10:25 PM, pctomgirl said:

    Thanks for the advice! I ordered everything I needed. He's looking a little better and he's gotten a bit of weight and color back on him. I wanted to ask what to do with the planted tank to make sure he doesn't get sick again? I have my mystery snail in there and I'm not sure if I can/should do anything to it. I'm hoping he'll pull through but just in case I wouldn't want to get another fish sick if I got a new one.

    I would just leave the tank alone just make sure you have stable water parameters add a small amount of food daily to keep it cycled till you add your betta back in I wouldn't recommend using medication they will harm your mystery snail 

  5. On 9/21/2024 at 4:18 PM, Supermassive said:

    She still hasn't given birth. Can flashing just be breeding behavior and not necessarily mean she is about to give birth?

    Also if a female has the gravid spot does that mean I can remove the male and she will eventually give birth?

     female can give birth every 30 days for the next three to four months without male they can holed on to there spawn for a prolonged period of time in some cases the gravid spot will disappear after she released her fry 

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 9/19/2024 at 11:30 AM, GraceH said:

    I’m using aquarium salt so i’m going to add to the whole tank and do a water change in 2 days, replace lost salt & another change a couple days later.


    You want to use plain unsented epsom as epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help with constipation. aquarium salt doesn't 

    • Like 1
  7. On 9/18/2024 at 1:06 PM, OBXfishkeeper said:

    Gosh, thank you for your prompt reply  @Colu!

    I added salt to the quarantine/hospital tank for the tetra last night, so fingers crossed that will work. I’ll have to move the gourami today. And planning on doing an extra water change to the main display today as well.
    Any advice on what treatment I might need if I start to see more pop up in my main tank? Salt isn’t an option in my main display but I have basic meds on hand (ichx, general cure, prazipro, kanaplex, metroplex, jungle fungus tabs, levamisole) trying to plan ahead in case I have to order in something I don’t have…I like to be proactive as it takes a week to get things shipped where I live.

    Thank you so much again! 🙂

    If you see more of these spots pop up it could have a bacterial component then I would treat with kanaplex if you have shrimp and snails I wouldn't use kanaplex I would use maracyn2 it's shrimp and snail safe 

  8. On 9/18/2024 at 10:13 PM, GraceH said:

    i’ll make it a priority to order a test kit as soon as possible.

    Im keeping the lights off as the quarantine is too small to put any hideouts in there for her and definitely don’t want to stress her.

    I can turn the air pump up for some extra oxygen in the tank for a while.

    Food wise she has algae wafers, and the occasional cucumber.

    What I would do is move to a quarantine tank and treat with plain unsented epsom salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons for 5 days and fast I would also do a course of maracyn2 with the redness to the fins and bulging eyes could have a bacterial component with  possible organ failure looking at how bloated it is. Epsom salt will help with constipation and fluid buildup in the body cavity and maracyn2 is a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment will treat bacterial infections 

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  9. These type of spots  can be caused by a foreign body in the tissue a localised infection encapsulated nematode worms as you didn't find a parasite in the spot on the cardinal tetra that's less likely  what I would do is quarantine any fish with a white spot and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons and monitor for 7 days just remember to only put back in what you take out so if you do 3 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of salt back in as salt only removed though water changes @OBXfishkeeper

  10. On 9/17/2024 at 7:50 PM, Supermassive said:

    @Colu The other female has been doing some flashing today

    They can flash when there about give birth I think this is the most likely cause 

    • Thanks 1
  11. If it were natural colour change the colour would have changed gradually over a period of weeks not just a few days it could have a bacterial component if you don't have snails or shrimp in your tank I would do a course of kanaplex it's a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment if you have shrimp or snails then I would treat with maracyn2 I would also add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect 

  12. On 9/17/2024 at 1:01 AM, Supermassive said:

    I've had a really bad experience with these guppies. Only two left out of the 8 I bought and I had to wait like 3 months to get them and now I'm 7 months invested into these guppies so I don't want to just get different ones. Maybe it would be wise to do so.

    It's a common problem in a lot of the fancy over bred livebearers wild type livebearers don't have as many problems are generally more hardy endlers are less over bred from what I have seen and have less health issues and have a lot of nice colour variants 

    • Thanks 1
  13. Am not seeing any Reddening to the edges of the fins o that would indicate an active infection is it possible there nipping each other what I would do is keep the salt at 1 table spoon for 3 gallons for a week and add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect if you start to notice the fins s rapidly recede or any redness to help fins or body then I would do a course of kanaplex 

  14. On 9/17/2024 at 12:17 AM, afoultz said:

    Update…lost another guppy.  This one had a very bloated stomach, no marks on it that I could see, but it had a pretty white belly.  Down to 2 guppies.  Got the ich-x and have treated….will look for maracyn2 tomorrow.

    Also, since we’re thinking bacterial - I should be turning heat back down right?

    I would gradually lower the temperature back to 75°F  you could also add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect if you can't get maracyn2 then i would get kanaplex it is harmful to shrimp or snails 

  15. On 9/17/2024 at 12:45 AM, Supermassive said:

    Dang. I didn't know it would happen that suddenly. She was fine and then an hour or two later she was dead.


    Only one male and one female left. I will keep a close eye on them over the next two weeks then add them to the main tank... hopefully 🙏

    It's common for female guppies to  have trouble giving brith it's more then likely due to inbreeding and low genetic diversity 

  16. On 9/17/2024 at 12:36 AM, Supermassive said:

    Yes she was fat like that and had the dark area at her rear. The other female is the same.

     I would say most likely cause is having an issue giving birth I can't be a 100% sure that's the cause 

    • Thanks 1
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