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Posts posted by Roko

  1. I would add less easy green if you have just few slow growing plants, like one pump per week  and if you see any deficiency start adding two pumps etc.

    I don't have informations about lighting but you could cut it more time wise or lower intensity. 

    Picture is bad so it could be staghorn or some other type of hair algae or new baby plants, it usually looks like on picture down when java fern grows new baby plants. If it's algae you could treat directly on algae with "liquid co2" product.

    Just for information java fern and anubias shouldn't be buried in substrat to be more precise rizome should be out best is to tie it to wood.


  2. Twinstar algae inhibitor isn't worth spending 120$. I personally didn't try it but few friend did try it and all in all it's fancy and more pricey way to do same thing 10$ air pump would do or to be more precise few milliliters of hydrogen peroxide daily would do plus you need to keep buying new disks every now and then.

    Nothing will prevent algae if you have too much light or organics etc.

    Soo better spend that money for co2, soil or some other equipment and balance your tank. All tanks have some algae at a start but with time and balance it will go away.

  3. Hi all, this is second time this happened to me in different tanks. My redmoor wood or someone calls it spider wood used in aquarium grow something that looks like small roots. this on pictures and first one are bought in different local shops first one was boiled in water this was wasn't.

    That thing have white color tops and black color "body". It is easy removable with toothbrush and it sinks. Snails and shrimps aren't interested in it.

    Anyone whit similar thing or any ideas what that is? I found very little informations on google.

    @Cory maybe you saw it in China or somewhere else?

    I removed 2 weeks agou all of it and this is new growth.




  4. Hi, so i came up with idea to use active carbon for my water changes.

    I use two way siphon for water changes and i am adding water directly from sink pipe to aquarium. I was thinking of adding active carbon in mesh adding mesh inside of siphone pipe and capping it with gilter wool so particles/dust don't go in aquarium.

    Would this work!? 

  5. I restore purigen in 50/50 bleach/ water solution for 24h and then i let it few days in water with prime. After that i store it in container with some water.


     Seachem is actually recommending to keep purigen moist and bot to let it dry out.

    "Purigen® needs to be stored in a small amount of water to keep the media moist. This will prevent the beads from drying out, which can cause them to shrink and crack, reducing the efficacy of the Purigen®. "

  6. @test.tin tnx for replay. 20 fish weren't added at once. And i do large wc 50% once to twice a week. Additional to that at first i was thinking the same so i dosed prime every 24 hours between water changes. All in all i think it's parazites or bacteria problem in the end.

  7. i did research and i saw that embers like temparatures from 20,22,23 up to 28 Celsius so i think that 23 C is fine for them and in any case month on that temparature wouldn't kill them.

    In any case things started looking better they are mora active and looking good for last few days.

  8. I am thinking about adding canister prefilter to external fluval 206, maybe it's not necessary but i want to know and talk about it.

    So there's two options-

    1. Prefilter without pump- that's straight forward Inlet-prefilter-canister-outlet

    2. Prefilter with pump (my concern is how that pump would work with fluval 206 pump) would prefilter pump water too fast or too slow?

    In attachment are two prefilters one with pump and one without so you can  get better idea what i am thinking about.

    In prefilter i would add just mechanical filtration and in fluval 206 just biological filtration.

    Just info- prefilter pump around 100 gallons per hour, fluval 206- 206 gallons per hour.




  9. One more thing symptoms slightly changed. Now they look normal color and shape and for two days in a row i saf ember tetra just for nothing start swimming like crazy hitting bottom and then dies like it had heart attack😬😶

  10. So just an update.  I treted my whole tank for bacteria, fungus, and two times for parazites. Added heater(until now i had them on room temperature that wasn't going two lof but had 1-1.5 Celsius fluctuations), i added air stone and still they are dieing. They stay low and "hide" like they are scared but when it's food time they eat and swim all around.

    My other and arguably more sensitive fish are great and thriving (otocinclus, amanos, Apistogramma trifasciata, cobalt goby) all active with great color.

    Just those embers i can't get whats wrong with them.

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