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Posts posted by Streetwise

  1. @Fish Folk, you are truly a polymath. My previous forum moderator gig was for a pro audio/music production forum.

    Here is a little soundtrack trivia:

    Hans Zimmer and Howard Scarr collaborated on a sound set for the u-he Zebra 2 synthesizer, and a modified version of the synth with some custom features. They feature very prominently in The Dark Knight and the Dark Knight Rises.

    It is fun to load up the patches and play with them.


    u-he did another cinematic synth sound set collaboration, with Urs Heckmann and Howard Scarr. They designed sounds for composer Johnny Klimek, for a secret movie project. It turned out to be Matrix Resurrections. This was with the u-he Hive 2 synthesizer.


    I wonder if anyone here will spot these sounds in other projects.

    • Thanks 2
  2. @Ben, I will probably also move in my shy little ember tetras, which I can't even really see in their current jungle cube. I also have bladder snails, ramshorn snails, and I should grab some more otocinclus. I have a couple of 2.5 gallon shrimp tanks, but I want to see the neocaridina take over this 20 gallon!

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  3. I deal with duckweed in all my tanks. I am too busy for it to top my priorities. I tend to try to go after it periodically, but I put so much effort into saving snails and and shrimp fry.

    I had a tank at my folks’ house, where dwarf water lettuce may have out-competed it. I plan to try that again, as DWL is easier to manage.

  4. They seem optimized for lower temperatures. Could you run a slow feed of cooler water?

    What kind of breeze do you get for evaporative cooling? Can you offer any shade?

    If your pond is in-ground, it might have more temperature stability. Rocks might help, if they have a chance to cool off.

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