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Everything posted by MWilk

  1. Might be time to do some small water changes, 10-20% weekly with a little KH added if it’s reading zero.
  2. Our newest addition to the family, just in time to start school. Set up for my wife’s classroom, elementary school. I just wish the brand name wasn’t so boldly visible on the filter.
  3. Add just enough salt for them to live, then do water changes as normal and slowly taper the salt content down. They’ll either live, or they won’t. If they don’t, there’s nothing you could have done. The darn things are fragile.
  4. The problem with mollies is that the vast majority of fish available at big stores are bred overseas in brackish water. They will die a sad death when placed in fresh water without letting them adjust.
  5. Are the platies fully mature? I have been deceived by mine before. The tails can change shape as they go through fish puberty.
  6. Before getting any more fish, you’ll want to make 100% sure what sex the fish you have are, before those 2 platies turn into 50. Guppies are easier to sex, if they are bland and boring colored, they’re females.
  7. Wisteria is the best plant, everyone should use it. Everyone else covered it pretty well so far, the tank hasn’t even begun to cycle yet. You need nitrite to very slightly show up and nitrate to be on the rise before adding any more fish. do you know the sex of the platies and guppies you have?
  8. It really just depends on how often you feel like doing maintenance. Cherry barbs will coexist with the shrimp well, but may prey on the shrimplets. Life plants will process nitrate out and keep the cycle going better so you don’t have to change water as often. Cherry shrimp practically have zero bio load to them. 8-10 of each fish and a dozen shrimp would do just fine, but I do recommend some live plants be added for the shrimp to live in.
  9. Sorry, 20L is a 20 Long. Do you have any live plants? I personally wouldn’t get any shrimp without having plants growing first. White clouds are what I use to cycle new tanks, they just end up sticking around forever because they are so hardy. They’re beautiful fish. Right now in my 20L I have a male that is almost solid red, very good looking dude. Cherry shrimp, cherry barbs, white clouds, that’s a lot of red.
  10. Sorry, 20L is a 20 Long. Do you have any live plants? I personally wouldn’t get any shrimp without having plants growing first. White clouds are what I use to cycle new tanks, they just end up sticking around forever because they are so hardy. They’re beautiful fish. Right now in my 20L I have a male that is almost solid red, very good looking dude. Cherry shrimp, cherry barbs, white clouds, that’s a lot of red.
  11. White clouds are very tough. I've never managed to kill one, start the tank off with those. 8 in a 20L is a modest number. Get you some algae cleaners and then the barbs.
  12. Ramshorn snails are harmless. So are the rest of the pest snails. If your mystery snails are a breeding pair, you'll end up with a ton of snails anyway.
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