This is the tank in question, just a 20 long. Specifically, the scarlet temple in the back right is barely growing, and starting to die off at the bottom of one stem. The golden nesaea pedicellata is doing okay, not great. Hydro salicifolia in the left rear is okay, fairly algae free but very slow again. The anubias nana dropped a leaf yesterday. My GH is about as high as it can get, and calcium tests at 30 ppm.
this tank is unheated, 70-72F, has the 24” co-op light on at 60% from sunup to sundown. A full covering of red root floaters on the top of the water. Nitrates 20-30 ppm. Blindly dosing iron and potassium weekly. I have added equilibrium a few weeks ago to try to raise calcium but it contains magnesium as well, though at least in a decent ratio.
Does 41 ppm magnesium not seem outright absurd for tap water?
I added several pictures, the dwarf sag is new, don’t mind it.