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Mississippi fish guy

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  1. I don’t have them right now since I don’t have an available aquarium and I don’t have the space for another. I didn’t know they existed till this post though I do want to try and breed them one day.
  2. So I have ran into a problem with collecting pigmy sunfish, I can’t legally use a net to catch them. I’m currently looking for hooks that are small enough but I’m not confident that I will find any.
  3. I like the sailfin tetras. They remind of the golden dorado and blue nose shiner.
  4. Here are some pictures I pulled from the internet. the next one is a copepod
  5. black spotted topminnow Mosquito fishWhile I was not at clear creek when I caught this I have caught these before there.
  6. I have been having algae problems in my 55 red wolf fish tank lately. There has been some algae in the tank for most of the time it has been set up but mostly just on the driftwood and glass. I don’t mind it on the driftwood so I leave it there. recently after adding a large piece of drift wood I found, the brown algae started to take of on the wood, the last remaining java fernlet and my Pogostemmon. My banana plant is mostly untouched, my Amazon sword has a couple leaves with algae but is doing fine. The Java fernlet has died. The Pogostemmon is almost gone. My crypts don’t have much algae but have what looks like small bites taken out of them (there is a longear sunfish but I don’t know if they eat plants). Also there is a dark green algae (I don’t think it is bga) growing on the glass. I started dosing easy green at 1 pump per ten gallons. After about two weeks of dosing easy green the tank developed green water. It has also had green water for a long time but never enough to tell it was green unless you looked from the surface. I have around an inch of Fluval stratum as my substrate and I don’t vacuum much of the mulm that accumulates. I have an aco light that I run at 60% but my homemade lid blocks quite a bit of light so it probably only gets about half of that. I currently have 3 crypts, 1 sword, 1 banana plant, 1 Pogostemmon, and some mayaca fluviatillis floating around. I intend on adding more plants when my lava rock caves are done. how can I get rid of the algae?
  7. Actually it has been in the tank for a few months I just didn’t realize it could be an issue until today. I did redo the tank a couple of months ago but the kuhli loach was in the tank before that.
  8. I have been noticing that one of my kuhli loaches is glass surfing in a very eratic manner. They normally do this when I do a water change but this one keeps glass surfing. It will seem fine for a bit then it will get spooked and swim around the glass and then hide then glass surfing again. There is a large piece of mopani wood for it to hide under and I’m adding some leaves for more cover. What else could I do to keep it from glass surfing?
  9. I was wondering why is there a 29 and a 30 gallon? Is one better than the other in certain circumstances?
  10. My brother was wondering if rainbow shiners and darters would work in a 20 long?
  11. I recently found a few of these on some plants I collected from a pond. I was wondering what this is and would it be a problem if I’m colony breeding pigmy sunfish? Also are water mites a problem because I found those in the tank as well.
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