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  1. Water change on the 2.5 gallon shrimp tank, and the 150 gallon stock tank pond. As well as starting to set up a new 10 gallon which will eventually upgrade/replace the 2.5 gallon.
  2. Thanks. I haven't had any bird problems. Hopefully the fence panel topper is at least strong enough to allow the fish to get out of reach.
  3. I trimmed/shaped my little boulevard Cypress. I have very little idea what I'm doing here, but attempting to make pompom trees. I will just keep trimming as they grow and hopefully they will look presentable in the future. I have two of these. They are next to my tub pond, out on a patio area I've been slowly working on since this was wild, undeveloped land when I moved in.
  4. Hi, I'm korik. I used to keep goldfish as a teen but have been out of the game for a long time. More than a year ago, I snuck back in with a 2.5 gallon shrimp tank. (That's how long I've been lurking here.) And as I've wanted a pond for a long time, I started building a stock tank pond in October. This weekend, I finally got 3 little Shubunkins. Collectively named, Koba, Yashi, and Maru. They are still in my quarantine tub. But this is my pond they will be going in. The canister filter is run by a solar powered pump. Which I think I will modify to have a stronger flow than that little tube next season, but should be fine for now. I also have an air pump with an air stone and a large sponge filter (which is currently in their quarantine tub with them.) I'm a little nervous about introducing my wee little fishies to my pond. This was a lot easier when I was a blissfully ignorant teen adding feeder goldfish to my 20 gallon whenever I saw a pretty one I wanted. 🤷 But, I'm fairly sure that I've done this as best as I can. I look forward to spending the summer sitting by my pond watching fish swim happily to and fro.
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