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  1. Sometimes I have to switch out the mops for a different kind every so often. I'd make you a yarn one too.
  2. I prefer the Nitto Kohki, but both pumps are fine.
  3. I'd personally run both or get a second sponge filter.
  4. Sounds like a swim bladder issue. I'd set up a hospital tank ASAP.
  5. I have wanted one since I was a kid and once I was adult I either had a job where I was traveling most of the time or young kids and the expenses that come with them. Now that my kids are older I pulled the trigger and got my first tank.
  6. Monstera, pothos, really just about any house plant. There are a few that can be poisonous though.
  7. The pouches are fine. Its the same product. Many places still sell the bottles though if you are willing to go to a different supplier.
  8. No photos or videos attached.
  9. I love watching rainbowfish flash their colors when they are ready to mate. So interesting!
  10. What's the most interesting behavior you've observed in your fish? I know there are some really interesting fish out there!
  11. No, the only better options are way more expensive(photometer - $400 to $2000+). I have found that holding my tank light up by my head I can more easily see the colors. I have also found that the safe levels are also the ones that I can't differentiate so it doesn't even matter that much.
  12. It should be safe if it is CA. You make regret not fixing it now after looking at it for a while.
  13. That's awesome! I'd love it if you posted some pics and kept us updated!
  14. Good day, all. I am really curious as to why everyone keeps fish? I'd also love to hear stories about how you got into the hobby! I keep them because I really enjoy every aspect of nature and I always have. My other hobby is birding while on hikes! I also find it very therapeutic and just sitting next to my tank and watching them really helps my mental state and that is how I got into the hobby. I have always wanted a tank growing up and never had one. Now that I have kids old enough to also enjoy them I took the leap and got started.
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