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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Yep. They don’t necessarily need root tabs but it’s like a bonus lol, I have it, it’s a solid plant, don’t worry @Gideyon, anubias is the easiest and I mean easiest plant ever! If you through it in water in a bowl it would live lol! (I am kidding of course 😉)
  2. Hmm, ok sounds good, I think I fed maybe 6 bug bites today maybe? So yeah thanks again for the ultra quick response.
  3. “That will be the day” - John Wayne. 😂🤣. I am kidding, that would be great. Maybe I will lay off one today, check paremeters and do a 25% change tomorrow? I think that sounds good. I love that quote 😂
  4. Thanks, I will use those micro pellets tomorrow. @Tony s.
  5. About the water changes @Tony s? Any thoughts on that?
  6. Meet Harlee! She’s just a pup, age 1 and a half, she’s the best!
  7. The micro pellets, I mean micro too, but today I fed them some bug bites from AC. Barely any, I made sure not one spec got down to the gravel. Well, they made sure lol! They were fighting for it lol. But they aren’t skinny or anything. They got every morsel I could see. @Tony s, @johnnyxxl. Thanks So I tested the water, 0 ammonia. Should I continue water changes daily? I have a airstone/air pump/ tubing on the way and it’s coming tomorrow from Amazon, @Tony s, @johnnyxxl, thoughts?
  8. Ok, I actually about to order it from Amazon right now, the tetra air pump, it comes with a check valve, standard tubing that has great reviews and the airstone itself @macdaddy36. The air pump. (with the check valve included) https://www.amazon.com/Tetra-Whisper-Pump-Gallon-Aquariums/dp/B0009YHU6Y/ref=sr_1_6?crid=27RVCYHV8E70C&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7Q6oZJ8X7JG65b4XII1Jn06tADWELjrvFRpfQbu2pxpBcE_Hbr3tdz8HsplRL7kYu2f8PLow1GzVnRobvCfTJIZeztM4A5PPXB29b5vbAlLfE9dwxxH9K6uWRcB0yl2yfdPDtULuYhZhgPAssFyBftaz-hI16ql1sUOqIp7oCxuR7OA_gF-N1gxWMjwrOVrFFuNjKYl7NNPYO6zAg8N9ua800ubBpCPWdo9cxToOAxFcGvePDNUODCTpd6DzPvnIeP6Z8HnqA0LYm1-ZqDDIM6r2kMhTRPfyXiGZsnHzTcQ.7Kf6N45kYxhPi_HBYtMB7IPAKb06Nk6mI14G6MWrb3g&dib_tag=se&keywords=Tetra%2Bair%2Bpump&qid=1715600478&sprefix=tetra%2Bair%2Bpump%2Caps%2C187&sr=8-6&th=1&psc=1 The tubing. https://www.amazon.com/Penn-Plax-Aquariums-Flexible-Standard/dp/B0002563MM/ref=sr_1_5?crid=W6M1Q0NPJIQ9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.JZknRBfyfx-jVblJgL0vkesFUDHEojT_jmWHHNL3K-owCWxLO1EVO6dHYDh8k0wmZ9xTnzvxe-SeYOv15k6nO8BUv_jdSzSk878Xb7cnXXcxSuZRqkYJp1tpk9teFfa9tJJBcODw0nb8r93evFa2tbIxh8xORVzMINJoJ-XafvhflpfTYOexTiC0PQo9k3Lk6QedrcjE3aTihPxjdOMzyKQajO_vTd4gGLAnpPgmaurRxpn8zg0xxq1UulZrpxOuHllNmiTqN3oU19EeNqHxYd-8sCDaxRa5O2Cp5uQmjcw.S5sYTdIt9_lVLONAvLD0R12O-WJntYew-8uSr7TfXYI&dib_tag=se&keywords=air+pump+tubing+for+fish+tank&qid=1715600535&sprefix=Air+tubing+for+tank+%2Caps%2C114&sr=8-5 The airstone, does it look ok to you? Or do you have another airstone idea? It looks ok I guess, should work maybe…… https://www.amazon.com/Penn-Plax-AS6Q-Cylinder-Aerator/dp/B00025652U/ref=sr_1_6?crid=2XJRYN3I3CHVC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Ca8-Vg64bvUfn_Npvmlng9c6f049sJ6bXgZbLfseBL_J56v-7paMHJ65OmeoW57hJBTU86G4xk-27FO1siUH0VAGXKAlcyPKYe-2dfHM1BlcYLWAiPYyxCLlVLrDSk9IgGX_WYdg_B7qvfE7bmYHTxeYbRciXj1eRU1wMiDqfzNKnGjvT1Xkr0B2pHer4Ozq5ojEww-PIjQwuM8iu0iEMwLeAf3aqBdhouCc-EKLdKTzGJ4Ao2-a97UaDAqZXvk2IKcFA3HCqfjeJjuMtiqP4XbhE701BimBv0i1gdUP3ts.4Tgv-h3jC4zydx4h6DRGL_CEGK1RHLx5wK4utNhNV98&dib_tag=se&keywords=Ziss+airstone&qid=1715600913&sprefix=ziss+airstone%2Caps%2C104&sr=8-6
  9. Keep the algae down? Wow…. Thanks! I will, since pellets works best for me in smaller amounts, how many pellets would really be a tiny amount? @Tony s, learn something knew every day lol, less food = less algae in tank.
  10. When can I feed again, I don’t want more ammonia but they haven’t been fed in 5 days but don’t worry I am not a beginner thinking that I need to feed every day but just wondering.
  11. Yes that is true. The ammonia 0 at tap is scaring me. But it’s gotta be something in my water that was not originally there, and now it is. Got it, I use prime for conditioner btw, about to do one, thanks @macdaddy36.
  12. No, I’m about too tho. A 25% prob. Here is the pictures btw. The lighting is kinda ruff. But it’s 0 guaranteed.
  13. Ammonia is 0 at the moment. The nitrite is 0. Nitrates is between 5 and 19 ppm @DBrown918. @Tony s.
  14. You have to use the gel glue on ACs website. But I think it looks awesome, it looks healthy!
  15. Yes I know, ammonia poisoning. Might be the issue. I am dosing prime, have been for 2 months now, with every water change @DBrown918. @johnnyxxl, it is strange why all of this is even happening….
  16. Ok I will test nitrates soon. But I am having company right now so that explains my late reply, sorry everyone My nitrite is 0, not even close to the slightest bit @DBrown918. My nitrates are 15 usually. But yeah 0 i mean 0 nitrites. I test every 2 days too. Just did a 25% again this morning, they (my white cloud minnows) yawn and go for air at the top of the water but I can’t get a airstone till Monday for very good unspoken reasons. Sadly…. I don’t know how to increase oxygen without pump and airstone…… Yeah I am subscribed, he’s a good YouTuber I love his channel! @Tony s. @AllFishNoBrakes, thanks for the info!!! @tetra, thx a lot! Daily water changes and testing every day is wha to am doing now…. I don’t lol!!!! But I saw something about it a couple of days ago tho but good video!! Yeah I panic, it’s not good to do that in this hobby, but hey I mean I have been doin this for 2 years, and I think I know a lot. But not EVEN close, I learn multiple things daily on this forum! I am so glad I joined, just wondering where I would be without it 😉
  17. @macdaddy36, I am going to get one, (a airstone) and had a Q. Do I need a sponge filter? I am not against it but just wondering. This article is what I am looking at on AC, I probably will but everything that I need for one obviously, air pump, tubing, check valve, the actua airstone and a sponge filter. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/air-stones-the-secret-weapon-every-aquarium-needs
  18. Aquarium salt, is a good thing to use for almost any disease @writinglover0101.
  19. They stopped yawning but get air from the top of the water often, but no other common signs of ammonia poisoning, I will get an airstone soon and just keep a eye one em @macdaddy36.
  20. Ok, let me first say, I am super glad someone else chime in here with some fresh ideas!!! @Tony s and me are in the dark and just trying to figure out the issue. I thought I did cycle the tank @Tony s right? Like it had no ammonia after the cycle for a month. Maybe I am wrong or just tired 🥱 lol. @cotasm, thanks a million, I don’t use the dr Tim’s bacteria every change actually and have not at all recently. Maybe it expired when in the middle of use? Idk Yeah, I am starting to pull my hair out and just mad and confused why this is happening. Yup. I will tomorrow morning and report. Last time I checked they were 15 ppm. And I do shake vigorously for one minute and shake the bottle and everything, I have been trying to follow the book as perfectly as I can 😉
  21. Remember this? The rotting roots were still there for all the way to today until i noticed them.......could this be the issue, rotting plants can = ammonia right? @Tony s and the gel glue was there too.
  22. Just completed a 25% change, mainly to scrub algae and clean gravel, Thanks, yes you have been patient enough with me a guy who will sometimes panic 😅 Filter cartridge coming today from amazon, + dr tims one and only
  23. When pH is low and the water is acidic, it heavily reduces the toxic form of NH3 ammonia, but with a pH higher than 7 and at certain water temperatures, the concentration of toxic NH3 ammonia is much higher. I just read this. My temp is 72 with ph sitting around 7.6. Could this be another thing? I am sorry for spamming posts but i just want to have a normal no ammonia tank like most of everyone else 😥
  24. Could it have to do with the ph of the water? And temp as i read this, also my gh and kh are both 2, if that means anything at all https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=is+there+ammonia+in+city+water&hspart=iba&hsimp=yhs-syn_launcham&param2=9dUI1n2R0BLDxNuWfiP4aSFOTltNdSPoIx38%2BUf%2FiXrvPdoGmStdlfwLFZYDvqkAJrWWk4yNReCLnBD%2FqPsDZd7olTZcV8HMx1G%2Fk786sE2Tis1g8dJd8zxVWs%2BbKztBnq1TfqUiqPYK9pXifXmJFyorDuCsYXJE71Y6G5tfejBOGQIkjMWL9ueYatTiC2seBRG7mLrXW8bxskI4s31K8kOvBetBHycGi3ZyaVwlEjUKPvxyjERSAiOqmUn%2FkMi2Iy%2Fv%2FBy3SaHMDPBujTOF9A1CxwSb6tFKPLzgY55T2C42gLx568IpR7jXQVDE6XrO&param3=HpCyCT2cXaKG4CVDR00rqgObRQahimQNt2d5ZCR7Jy3IZoD3T11qaq2nywASZYgKzfyS10BttKbIeHkaaNI9P0ioRHftV47BlCRVuFr0mVctO7htUdYjC5dp%2Fy6lQtNXycZ%2Fl5k9kS0fHQGnJnFf4%2BU%2BYl2TSsGiOseOtnQhKiRVko3gcXLlbDwQyIBxjoAb8rXuJow298qLDb7ZCDTVGrSG1rxH8q8gmQMjB%2Fim2C9fMDHdbRdkDp7L%2BkQmc8lcLNPMk%2B5eTw1MFEKJMBnND6PCkO7jaoFECrjoZSnfAo9ml2uFBHlNnXPiuIIkRr1E&type=f2%3A%3B.6850610d4680680b2811f3dcdca6be379af%3B5.ac48522a20946644e52a8ef8e64166f19c0ca9cd289975659b0570f139cfd1da05e084af6b3ead9e74a4d#:~:text=Ammonia exists in either one of two forms. It can exist in a pure%2C un-ionized%2C uncharged form (NH3)%2C or it can exist as a positively charged ammonium hydroxide ion (NH4%2B) when it dissolves in water. The form ammonia takes in water is highly dependent on the temperature and pH of the water. It has to be my water, or i am testing wrong but i think that think that i am doing everything correctly. Last guess, its the jugs i use for water changes, empty distilled water jugs and a used (idk what for) 5 gallon bucket i found and cleaned from my basement. @Tony s
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