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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. Tony s

    Fin rot

    And I keep reading. Apparently seachem’s polyguard and paraguard will treat both problems simultaneously.
  2. Tony s

    Fin rot

    Yeah, that was my first thought. But had no idea if m2 was safe with the cupramine. Apparently a lot of meds are not. And, of course, Seachem doesn’t recommend any other brands meds. But if you think it’s safe, I’ll absolutely buy that.
  3. Tony s

    Fin rot

    Okay, reading farther this time, sulfaplex and neoplasm can also be used with cupramine. Have no experience with either. And using the kanaplex clears the internal infection. Which, of course she doesn’t have. So what do you use for external. She’s got 14 days of no water changes. No prime. No oxidizers of any kind. And, unfortunately, doesn’t know the parameters going into treatment. from: (sorry didn’t know how to copy this directly) Follow FAQ: Can I use the Seachem® medications together?
  4. Tony s

    Fin rot

    Yeah, I agree, but that was a recommended treatment from Seachem. They have a chart on using dual meds with cupramine. What’s safe and what’s not. They actually don’t recommend anything with cupramine. But if they’re having multiple problems, that should be good via the manufacturer. the recipe is copied directly from Seachem
  5. Yeah, my gravel is nice and round. Think small pea gravel. Haven’t tried sand yet. Still learning. No digging, but they’re doing good. Have a couple of tanks to change to sand, just haven’t done it yet
  6. My Cory’s are are on a medium round gravel. Haven’t tried either of these yet.
  7. Haven’t actually tried it yet. But have hornwort in half my tanks. It grows incredibly fast and needs pruning often. Just rip pieces off and chuck into another tank.
  8. You might be able to put a divider in. But that would decrease the area for the acara. I would try the salvinia. It looks very cool, and is supposed to eliminate nutrients very well. At the most, it’ll be a snack. But they may just ignore it. And your male is just stunning
  9. Tony s

    Fin rot

    Another thing I would do, get an extra airstone going. Lots of meds will deplete the available oxygen. And don’t use any kind of water treatment. Prime and the like. It will turn the cupramine more toxic
  10. I’m not sure you can keep either guppies or shrimp with the acara. Guppies are borderline. Shrimp are expensive fish food. Your acara are going to be 5” long when grown. If you’ve had them in with the guppies, probably okay for adults. But will eat the fry. have you ever tried floating some hornwort in your tank. It may grow faster than they can eat it. And it’s very good at destroying nitrates. And the guppy fry will absolutely love it.
  11. Tony s

    Fin rot

    Seachem says you can feed kanaplex and use cupramine together. 1 scoop kanaplex 1 scoop focus 1 tablespoons food pellets a few drops of water to help mix. add garlic guard to increase, flavor. feed as the sole food for 1 week. this should clear both problems. But, again, follow their instructions very precisely, for best results. and, btw your fish look beautiful.
  12. Tony s

    Fin rot

    Do you know how to cycle a tank? I assume you do, but…
  13. Tony s

    Fin rot

    Quick questions. are you testing your water. what are the readings. how old is your tank. and how long have your fish been in.
  14. Honestly, I'd follow the directions exactly. If you have sensitive fish and exceed the copper levels, you could injure your fish. Disregard anything not in the labelled directions. Trust the product to work. Ich by itself is not usually fatal when being treated. each white dot is kind of like an itchy mosquito bite. drives them crazy like it would you too. And have the copper absorbent compound ready to go in 14 days to clear your tank.
  15. for a different take. how about a cichlid tank. neolamprologus multifaciatis. the multis. sand substrate. no plants. easy colony to start. they multiply easily. but needs shells to live and reproduce in. Black sand white shell. should be striking
  16. They do, but they still lay eggs. they just don't hatch
  17. nerites, mystery snails, otocinclus (they need to be supplements with veggies). I have some otos, i have 2 mystery snails in every tank, except in my 75g where i have 25, they bred there But, yes, helpers do not take the place of regular cleaning
  18. Dragonfly for shear size. The largest dragonfly nymph is around 3 inches. Damselfly nymph’s are half that size. Dragonflies have no issues snagging small fish
  19. I have used it in hob’s. Purchased from Joann’s. Works great, but leave the area around the spillway clear, or below the spillway and it’s not a problem
  20. How about 1 very colorful betta with 6-7 harlequin rasboras (have that combo) and a nerite snail. Or rummy nose rasboras instead of the harlequin. or a mix of kubotai rasboras and chili rasboras, wanting to try
  21. Actually not. Had to brush up a bit. It’s a damselfly nymph. Much smaller than a dragonfly with the three rear gills. Still will eat your shrimp. Piece by piece if it needs to. Was my actual degree, many, many moons ago.
  22. Yeah, that’s just natural coloration. Part of what makes the stone so beautiful.
  23. I’m guessing some of mine is just surface algae. Which is great
  24. Definitely dragonfly. They will eat your shrimp. Years ago I could have told you the species. But no longer, I’m afraid.
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