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  1. I only have two store-bought tank stands, one will be replaced this year by some metal garage shelving I got from my father-in-law and the other has been reinforced with 1-inch steel bar (by the aforementioned father-in-law). That leads me to my next question: To those who use the "heavy duty garage shelving"; what material do you use for the shelves and how do you prepare the shelf surface?
  2. @Woowala I LOVE your idea to do the flip/rotate maneuver! Thank you! This has given me hope! 🥳
  3. I've used combination deck stain + sealant on the two diy stands I've made, can't say I'm in love with the color of either 😕 But they have held up nicely 👍🏽
  4. I got this secondhand rimless tank from my neighbor a while back. While painting the back of it black last night, I noticed a chipped corner! It's not a huge chip, and seems to be totally covered by the silicone seam. Do I worry about it? Ignore it? If it needs to be addressed, what do we think is the best plan? My best thought was to get a pair of 2 in. x 2 in. squares of glass and adhere those over the chip and cracks; one on the back panel and one on the side panel, effectively forming a "glass patch". Thoughts? Many thanks!
  5. Hoping to get some insight before I drop too much money on a few things to bolster my fish room. I bring two topics to the table: 1. What are some of the community's go-to tricks for making the platform of your tank stand hold up to the abuse we put them through? 2. Additionally, what kind of stands do we favor; decorative vs functional? Metal vs wood? Store-bought vs handmade?
  6. I would like to make some lily pipes to replace the green ones on my eheim canister filter. I would prefer black, but I will accept clear, if necessary. Does anybody know a good source? Much appreciated!
  7. I don't think that will be necessary, generally you only put it in when feeding. So you hold it with one hand, keeping at least an inch or two above the surface of the water, plunging the other end of the pipe down near the aquarium substrate, then drop your food into the pipe with your free hand, once the food sinks and appears out the bottom end of the pipe, you can just pull the pipe out. I prefer using a clear pipe so I can see the food as it falls. It's a great and super simple trick. I don't know if hobby aquarists or zookeepers discovered the trick first, but either way, it's incredibly helpful!
  8. I would like to use a battered 20 long I have to make a small patio pond. What are people's gut reactions to that idea? Secondly, if I do proceed, do we think I should paint 3 or 4 of the walls black? All opinions welcome!
  9. Both species are available from members of my local club. I know N. multifasciatus are like, the standard, when you Google shell dwellers, that's what will come up first. But I'm curious about N. signatus, what's up with them? Anything neat about them that I should consider before flipping a coin to decide or just going for the cheapest? Tank is a 29 gal with generic shellie set-up; deep layer of aragonite sand, XL escargot shells, some rocks for breaking up lines of sight, and I may add some floating plants later on. I'm an experienced fish keeper but this shellie set-up will be my first venture into African Cichlids. I'm most familiar with South American catfish and characins.
  10. Mmmm, yes, I am digging these vibes. I have long wanted to do a shellie tank... But idk if I want my first experiment into African Cichlids to be with an audience 😂
  11. The results are in!!! Water is VERY basic and mineral-rich.
  12. Great point! I will test it tomorrow! There is a decent LFS not too far away, and it is in a very new building, so 🤞🏼that it's decent... Fascinating! I'll have to look into it!
  13. I'm an assistant teacher at a preschool and I've been suggesting the idea of bringing a tank into the building to my supervisor for a while now. I think she is into it 🙂 That being said I now need to worry about some of the more realistic barriers to setting up a new tank. I would like it to be a low tech planted tank, chiefly because that is what I have the most experience with, I already have some of the materials as leftovers from personal projects, but I would love to hear some of the community's suggestions for stocking and anything else that may be relevant! My local fish club has tentatively offered that they could provide either some funds or ask the rest of the club members for donations of hard goods and livestock. That all in mind, here's what I have: -spare 29 gal tank -adequately sized hob filter -plenty of pea gravel -Finnex Planted+ (light) -lid -other est. tanks to pre-cycle sponge -some plants to get cuttings from (stem, floating, crypt, etc) So, keep in mind we want critters that children ages 0-5 will appreciate! (Also hardy creatures will be preferentially viewed 😜)
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