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Posts posted by Tlindsey

  1. On 6/25/2024 at 5:57 PM, justanothernerm said:

    Can I use my normal quarantine tank for 1 goldfish at a time? Will I need to change the water everyday.

    Yes but if you have to treat a fish for illness for example parasites, or ich you would need to sterilize the aquarium prior to quarantine for a new fish.

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  2. On 6/25/2024 at 12:11 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

    Angelfish are cichlids, and their name is deceiving.

    This is very important info. 

    On 6/25/2024 at 12:33 PM, Tlindsey said:

    This is very important info. 

    I personally don't label any cichlids peaceful 😅

    • Like 1
  3. On 6/22/2024 at 8:52 PM, Vedrick said:

    I will look into it. When it was younger I thought for sure it was a baby bolivian but now I don't know. 

    Definitely not a Bolivian Ram but a ram species possibly a Mikrogeophagus Ramirez  German Ram. Looks female from color of belly. 


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  4. On 6/23/2024 at 12:29 AM, SwimmingBlueberry said:


    ammonia >5

    nitrite 0

    nitrate 0

    temp 76

    tanks being treated with aquarium salt and prazipro just in case (idk if that’s the right thing to do or not)

    food I fed last night and some was leftover in the tank:Repashy solient green.


    I plan on getting gravel but I’m just making sure everything’s ok first 

    Feed less. How long has the aquarium been setup? I'm asking because you have 0ppm  Nitrate. Also a ammonia reading >5ppm your 3 platy wouldn't survive. You may be getting a false reading from testing. I suggest siphoning the uneaten food asap. 

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  5. On 6/22/2024 at 12:08 PM, xxannan said:

    Can you put fresh ones in or do they have to be dried first? I've never heard of using mulberry leaves but I am surrounded by mulberry trees and I am always up for trying anything that utilizes natural resources

    No only add dead dry mulberry leaves. @xxannan

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  6. On 6/22/2024 at 1:02 AM, Hyde said:

    We got a weird frost warning ( June) and my mom wanted the patio plants brought in overnight. We have cats that eat plants so it got put on the top of the tank. During the night it tipped into the tank and I woke up to 4 flasher barbs, 2 dwarf rainbows, 2 balloon rams, 2 little loaches and 2 Siamese algae eaters dead. The three angels followed suit, then the remaining rams and all but 1 rainbow. 
    I pulled it out immediately, too late. 
    Netted my lost fish and did a 50% water change with double dose of prime. 
    I believe it’s something in the soil, the plant was a gifted creeping Jenny fern. 
    all that remains ( so far) is the Cory’s and the Otto. 
    I’ve removed them to my other tanks. 
    nothing was amiss with the api kit. 
    Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20 ppm, ph 7.6, temperate steady at 79. Our water is always hard but they were all just fine until a stupid gifted plant had to be saved from frost. 
    The tank is just sitting there like some harbinger of doom at the moment. 
    I’ve pulled all the wood and put it in a full bath, it’s too large to boil. 
    I’m devastated. 
    Question, whatever was in the plant is obviously poisonous to fish. 
    can I safely decontaminate the wood and plants? At the moment I cannot even begin to redo anything. I’m feel like a monster having tried to save them and just watching helplessly as they continued to die.  
    Nothing showed up on the tests that would result in any of this. 
    A week ago it was thriving and I’ve been hoping against hope that the water change would let the fish recover. The last few days have been awful. 
    I’m trying to think of it as a lesson but this is a hard one. 
    I’m assuming it would be wise to replace the substrate and thoroughly clean the tank, empty, start over. I’ve got hundreds invested in plants and wood and I’m just wondering if anyone has experience with this? Can anything be salvaged? I’m hoping the last few fish manage to evade water this is.  
    My mom is 90 and feels awful about it, and I don’t want to make her feel worse, so having anything positive for a course of action would be helpful. 
    Thanks in advance. 

    Sorry for your loss. I agree about something in the soil. @Hyde

    • Like 1
  7. On 6/21/2024 at 12:31 PM, porcnick said:
    I have a few racks of tanks that drain into a sump that then pumps into a utility sink in my basement (a 55g home depot tub). I'm getting a certain amount of buildup of mulm and other junk in the sump naturally. Are there any good tips for making that easier to manage? I have a relatively beefy cast iron sump pump draining this thing, but It's not like it's one that's made for sewage (which is a thing I found out about for basement bathrooms). Anyone ever have trouble with clogs? I have the outet hooked to a regular garden hose at the moment, but maybe it would be wiser to hard plumb it with 2" pvc...
    Anyone out there with say, a separate settling chamber that the empty regularly to take care of the big stuff? Other stories of problems with this setup?


    Believe it or not some use the product Rid-x for septic tanks. From what I read it breaks down waste gunk. @porcnick

  8. On 6/21/2024 at 9:10 AM, TinaPax-Peeks said:

    I really don't want to quarantine fish as I begin stocking my first tank.  But, I *really* don't want to have our fish start dying because I tried to go the easy route.

    1) I assume a quarantine tank doesn't need to be cycled. Right or wrong?

    2) what is the easiest way to set up a quarantine tank? What must it have? 

    3) would even the very first fish need to go in the quarantine tank?

    Tell me if this plan is reasonable:

    While my 20g continues to cycle, get the first two types of fish and put one type in the 20g and the other in quarantine tank. When those are added to 20g, get next group. And, repeat. But, 

    4) what about the quarantine water? I guess there will be a lot of water changes.

    1) No doesn’t have to be cycled but some aquarist toss in a seeded sponge filter. I don't use meds immediately I personally observe the fish for awhile. 

    2) I use a bare bottom aquarium and heater if necessary maybe a couple of plants to make fish feel secure. 

    3)I would because sometimes a new fish may be infected with internal parasites. You may not know that right away. 

    4) Yes water changes when needed especially during treatment using medication. @TinaPax-Peeks

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  9. On 6/21/2024 at 9:07 AM, Ryan1988 said:

    @Tlindsey Several months perhaps 4-5. It is a planted aquarium so either they are sucking up everything or the aquarium co op test strips aren't accurate but I don't think that is is case since the same test strips are working for the PH GH and KH. 

    How long have you had the Electric Blue Acara?

  10. On 6/21/2024 at 8:41 AM, Ryan1988 said:

    Hello Everyone,

    Water Parameters:

    • pH 7.0
    • Nitrates 0
    • Hardness Hard
    • Nitrite 0 
    • Ammonia 0 
    • KH/Buffer green (sorry don't remember the number but it's fine)
    • Water Temperature 78

    I'm sorry I don't have a photo, didn't get one before heading to the office. This is more for just confirmation / treatment direction. I believe my Electric blue Acara has internal parasites or some other disease. I first notice he was having issues this morning and the symptoms are as follows:

                 Loss of color

                 Swimming vertically (does swim away when i tried to catch him, will try again when i get home to put in quarantine. )

                 Tail fin section seems to be skinny

                 White nodule on the anal sphincter (normally parasites are stringy but this is round) 

    Am I correct on the internal parasites? proposed treatment is paracleanse, can / should I also do a round of maracyn?

    I wasn't able to find any pictures of what my guy has on the internet so figured i'd ask here.

    Thanks for the help.



    How long has the aquarium been up and running? You have a 0ppm for Nitrate. A fully cycled aquarium would have a positive reading 5ppm or more. @Ryan1988

  11. On 6/20/2024 at 8:12 PM, Epiphanaea said:

    Or, “what happens when you buy rare fish at Petco.”

    This is Patch, who looked like a normal Gastromyzon ctenocephalus a couple days ago.  Then the air conditioning in the room with the tank got bumped and went on “fan only” mode on a 100 degree day.  Now we are not only shiny, but being kind of an asshole to our tank mates, which makes me wonder if these are breeding colors?  I have no clue.  

    The rest are looking a bit more deeply colored / vibrant, but nobody else developed a shiny golden rear end all the sudden.



    Tbh have no experience with the specie but possible the temperature swing triggered breeding mode. Your probably on the money about the color breeding dress. Also I'm assuming that is a male.

  12. On 6/20/2024 at 4:17 PM, dolphinj7 said:

    Info:  36 gal bowfront newly set up: Top Fin HOB, Activ-Flora Floracor Black Planted Aquarium Substrate, plastic plants, couple of cheesy aquarium decor pieces, 1 air stone

    Newly set up and finished cycling a week ago (took almost 5 weeks to cycle).  Did 50% water change and then bought 4 guppies, 4 albino corys, and 10 neon tetras from local CPS.  Using Seachem’s Prime to make sure bioload didn’t overwhelm since newly cycled.  I am losing 1-2 fish every day.  No visible issues or distress, but they seem to become lethargic and then die.  Please help!

    API test kit shows Ammonia and Nitrites have stayed at 0 and Nitrates at 5, pH about 8 (use tap water with Tetra AquaSafe to dechorinate), test strips show I have Hard water (150 ppm) and alk 160.  Water temp at 78.

    At first I attributed to just normal loss due to being CPS fish, but a week later and I am still losing 1-2 fish every day.  They will replace them, but I want to correct anything I might be doing wrong so I don’t just keep killing off fish if it is something I am doing/not doing.  

    I thought maybe pH seems high and I should have used drip method to acclimate, but since I am using tap it should be close to pet stores pH?  And wouldn’t I have lost them more quickly if it was shock from pH change?  

    I am going to return the dead ones today, so I plan to take a water sample to have them test to verify my parameter testing and I will ask them what their parameters are to see if that may be a factor.  What else should I do or check?


    Welcome to the forum 

    It sounds like you did everything correctly prior to adding the fish.

    Possibly one of the fish you purchased may have been ill. If possible try to get a refund and wait awhile observe the fish.

    Hopefully things will get better.  

    • Thanks 1
  13. On 6/20/2024 at 12:32 PM, AtomicSunfish said:

    HOB filters increase evaporation rates, but why? Is it the cut out in the back of the hood? Is it the HOB box? Is it the circulation? A combination of these, or something else?

    It's a combination I personally notice evaporation weekly especially the aquarium with the sump. The temperature and air in your I believe plays a role. @AtomicSunfish

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  14. I purchased this product and the moss was brown with a little green in a couple of areas. I asked the manager to let me buy it discount she gave me 50% off. I have it in a bowl of aquarium water from a water change second week of replacing water. 

    Well anyway noticed the moss may be coming back. I have a led aquarium light that is the source of light.

    What do you think? Will it come back or am I wasting time?


  15. On 6/19/2024 at 10:17 PM, SwimmingBlueberry said:

    So I used to have like 4 nano tanks about a year ago and of course being a fish keeper for 2 years you accumulate some fish meds. Well a year ago I got out of the hobby and traded it for the reptile hobby. Well now I’m doing both. I have a container full of opened medications and I’m wondering if they are ok cause most of them expired last year. 

    here’s the meds I have 

    ich x (big full bottle only used 1-3 times) expired 4/23

    Methylene blue expired 11/23

    X2 kanaplex expired 7/23

    metroplex 7/23

    melafix and pimafix expired unknown 

    full packet of maracyn expired 9/23


    i really hate to buy more meds..


    Not to sure but the methylene blue may be good for atleast a couple more years. 

  16. On 6/19/2024 at 10:30 PM, TanTann the fish man said:

    These white spots anyone think it's ick or something else? Looks like there's one more with it. I did just introduce a polar blue parrot who's not very friendly. Working on getting him out. 



    It doesn't look like I ich possibly bacterial. 

    • Like 1
  17. On 6/19/2024 at 9:23 AM, TOtrees said:

    So often we hear/read what didn't work, or what crashed or died after a power failure. I'm here to tell you that investing in some gear up front, and choosing air-driven filtration like sponge filters, can/will yield success and peace of mind down the road. 

    I run around 15 tanks in my basement. I used to have an upstairs display tank, but when it sprung a leak I shut it down, and I'm happier with everything in 1 room. 

    With everything in 1 place, central air is the obvious choice, and I have it. Most tanks have air-powered sponge filters, a couple have power-head driven sponges, and 1 has a pair of HOBs (but also a sponge). 

    I have what I like to call my 2-stage power outage backup plan. Stage 1 is simply a 12v LiFeP04 (Lithium Iron Phosphate) battery. These go from 100% to 0% without loss of capacity or performance, for thousands of cycles. This single battery, run through a small inverter, will power my 54W air pump at least overnight, and probably for most of a day if needed. 

    Last night we had an outage from 3pm-10pm. Air pump was switched over to battery within 30 mins, Since we're in a heat wave, but the basement stays cooler, heating and cooling were non-issues -- the only difference between power on and power out (for the fish) was the fish room being dark. Sponges were bubbling, every tank had some filtration and circulation. No extra cords, no muss, no fuss. For the 3 tanks that primarily rely on electric filtration (the power head sponges and hobs), I dropped an airstone into each, with air volume set to deliver a decent bubble column. 

    What's stage 2 of my plan? When power goes out, you never really know when it will come back. Will it be a few mins? Hour? A few hours? Most of a day? Multiple days? If you still have cellular data, you can check with your utility and see what's projected, but we all know that a) that isn't reliable, and b) it can change frequently and drastically. I ended up not needing to switch to my stage 2 plan. But knowing it's there if I had needed it (if the battery runs out) took a lot of pressure off.

    Stage 2 is a 3500W inverter generator. Nothing fancy, my main goal when shopping for it was a) quiet, and b) to be able to run blower for gas furnace, freezer and fridge, and a few extras like lights, modem, etc. And the fish room (mainly just the air, since the generator would heat the house, so temp won't drop too low, eg if it's a winter failure). And recharge the battery. It's not wired into the house, so setting it up does require quite a few cords. Future me has a plan for that. 

    That's all, just sharing my success. 🙂 

    You definitely are prepared also your other plans sound great not only for the fish but you and your family. @TOtrees

  18. On 6/18/2024 at 9:35 PM, BlueLineAquaticsSC said:

    My Fx4 on my 90g crapped out and I need a new filter. I liked how I could hide the intake and outtake hoses behind my background and had nothing showing and I’ve always wanted to try a sump, but my tank is not drilled and Im not certain a sump can be set up without a drilled tanks. Any new filter suggestions and does anyone know if their is a good way to run a sump on a non drilled tank?

    Most aquarium hobbyist don't like them but a over flow box are available. I have one on my sump. @BlueLineAquaticsSC

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