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Everything posted by Kylee

  1. I'm thinking of hatching brine shrimp with a DIY hatchery and metal air valves would just be a lot easier to get a hold of. Would they leak brine shrimp or no?
  2. Yeah, I do understand your point. I'm not doing it just for the profit, I just thought it would be good way to fund my aquariums while having fun at the same time.
  3. Thanks for the info! Yeah, I'm not really into the negotiating and bargaining part of selling fish, just hoping to be able to sell them to my lfs.
  4. Also, what is a good price to be selling these at? I was thinking $2 each or something close to that number.
  5. If you have the time to do it, I would just do a 50% water chang. If the plants are not established, they cannot really help with this issue.
  6. Pretty much what the title says. I'm thinking about breeding some orange ricefish that I already have laying eggs in a 10g tank. I've got 3 males, 3 females, already have a few fry. Does anyone have experience selling these or breeding them?
  7. What kind of substrate and light do you have? Aquarium Co-op recently released a new tissue culture plant called Helanthium Bolivianum 'Quadricostatus', its supposed to be pretty short, works well in low light, and is a root feeder, that could possibly be an option.
  8. Fish sometimes just don't make it or get random problems that can't be explained, it can happen no matter what you do. If there are no diseases and water parameters are all okay, it might be something that came from genetics or just something wrong with the fish internally.
  9. They are different species but do look quite similar, it will interesting to see if you get a hybrid!
  10. I have 3 newly hatched ricefish fry today, I was wondering the same thing, and do I need to feed them the first day/how long will the egg sack last? I have aquarium co-op fry food on hand.
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