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Canuck AquaTropix

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Everything posted by Canuck AquaTropix

  1. The situation is quite bizarre actually. They have been like this for probably two months now. The disease does not get better but it does not get worse either. The fish are acting 100% normal with a very ravenous appetite. I just with I could get my hands on some erythromycin powder.
  2. Thanks for the reply. In Canada it is no longer legal to sell meds so its very hard to get Maracyn. I basically used what I could get my hands on. I am a big salt user for therapy BUT I don't think salt will work for Septicemia because its an internal bacterial infection.
  3. I have two yellow labido males who have been suffering from Hemorrhagic Septicemia. I have had these fish since they were fry and are now 3 inches . They are currently isolated in a 20g with a separation. They have blood red pectoral fin bases and redness on their noses as well. So far I have tried keeping the water as pristine as possible. I did one round of Hikari BiFuran Plus with zero improvment. Then I tired one round of Kanaplex with zero improvement. Then I tried feeding pellets soaked in Kanaplex for 10 days and zero improvement. So now I am stumped. The fish are behaving 100% normally and eat very well. The redness has not spread to other parts of the body. I feel bad euthanizing them because they are seemingly doing well. Does anyone have any other suggestions for me to try? Thanks!
  4. 29 gallon long with 3 Reticulated Hillstream Loaches and about 20 Neon Tetras. I am going to keep the water a little on the cooler side at 75-76 degrees. I want to get a centerpiece fish, single or pair that will not go after fry and that is also shrimp safe. Any ideas for me?
  5. Will Harelquin, Espei and Hengeli Rasboras all school together if I get ten of each?
  6. Hello, I am looking for ideas on a very colorful schoolong fish that can tolerate some current and not very many plants. I don't want White Cloud or Danios. My first choice would be Cardinal or Neon but I am not sure how they will do in a lightly planted tank? Most articles on them state densely planted. Thanks
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