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  1. Well I think you just answered your own question right there. It sounds like you may need to add some more hiding spots and shells so that they can escape the adults.
  2. I think a pair of geophagus would be a great choice. There are several different species so you could choose whatever one you like the best. My personal favorite is the red head tapajos, but there are lots of options. They are medium-large cichlids (depending on which species you choose) They are really interesting fish to watch as is, but watching the breeding behavior of a pair is even better! My personal favorite is the red head tapajos, but there are lots of options
  3. You could colony breed clown killifish in there. They're also pretty popular at the moment, so odds are good that you'd have no problem selling the excess fry that you raise. There are tons of wild type livebearers that are pretty rare or uncommon that would do well in a 10 if you want something truly different.
  4. How long have you had them? They may not be mature enough yet. Tanganyikans are notoriously slow to grow and mature. A higher female vs male would ideal, but I don't think the gender ratio will impact whether or not the female spawns.
  5. If you are wanting to save them, I would try and catch as many as possible before you add the tetras. I'm sure they'd love a fry buffet as they adjust to their new home
  6. Bolivian rams are one of my all time favorite fish, so I'd second that option! Also, angelius loaches are super fun fish, so a group of those would be nice as well. The loaches would be a more unique alternative to cories. Kuhli loaches would be fun too. All of the above fish are compatible with guppies so you could still keep them in there.
  7. Pea puffers would be fun! They're super personable and slow so you can catch them easily enough.
  8. It is pretty common for stores not to take things like guppies, conivcts, etc simply because they are so prolific. People come to these stores all the time trying to sell them; more than the store can sell. I know it doesn't feel fair, but that's just the way it is, especially if you just have mutt guppies. Not all stores are this way, but alot are. I'd see what the third store has to say and hopefully they'll give you a better offer, but don't get your hopes up. If you're really wanting to breed something to help support your costs, talk to one of the stores and ask them what they need from a local breeder. There is a good chance that there are some species that are popular sellers that are not readily available to them, or they always come in poor health, etc that they would love to buy from someone local who can be a good supplier. Petco and Petsmart definitely won't pay you anything for your fish, but many will take them as adoption fish.
  9. I also think a pair of apistos would be a fantastic addition!
  10. I think they'll do great in a 40, however, I would only do a pair (or just 1) rather than a group. You can buy a group of juveniles and grow them out, and then when a pair forms, rehome the rest. As for guppies, they should be fine, although I would try to find a strain known for being larger. The males of the smaller strains (like pandas or endlers) could be small enough to be eaten by mature angels. Also, if you are wanting to breed the guppies, the angelfish will probably eat most of the fry.
  11. Yeah, I think they'd do great in that tank. I'd probably go with a trio because the males are really relentless, even more so than the more common livebearers. You'll definitely end up with some fry at one point too. They are really interesting fish to watch so I think you'll love them!
  12. I had a little group of four in a 10 once. They did well, but they are definitely prolific fish and, like 411 said, that doesn't leave much space for fry. If I had them again, I would definitely go with a bigger tank, but they did do just fine in the 10.
  13. Central American cichlids have a reputation for being pretty aggressive. I'd agree with Fish Folk and pick a pair of one species. I think firemouths would probably be the best option if you really want to stick to central America. Watching them raise fry is really cool, although beware that they will produce tons of babies that can be tough to rehome.
  14. Unless you are breeding, hard water will not be an issue for virtually all of the commonly available fish.
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