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The endler guy

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Posts posted by The endler guy

  1. Today (my birthday) my parents allowed me to get a snake! I was going to get a sand boa but two stores didn’t have one, but I saw this BEAUTIFUL baby milksnake and I just HAD to get it.

    sadly I was in a rush/ the store didn’t have some of the supplies so it is just a temporary enclosure 

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  2. On 3/30/2023 at 11:14 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:


    Might be when they’re small(er)? 

    From what I understand it’s especially a concern with young but I think that the adults are also at risk, the problem (from my understanding/ inference) is the stick bug falls in can’t get out and starves/ drowns


    you probably should be fine just be cautious 

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  3. On 3/30/2023 at 11:30 AM, mountaintoppufferkeeper said:

    Disclaimer I have never done this and am a super newbie on the larval stage. My limited understanding is that they are minimally developed "almost fry" and not quite eggs that float on or suspend in the current. Some good studies are out there on this species and topic. The gist is the Colomesus asellus, and I would assume any Colomesus puffer, has a spawning process similar to the saltwater puffers with the larval stage of development. In their case it appears they use rising water larval drift during the rainy season to disperse larvae into the flood plains and along the banks of the river.

    Im not well versed in what seems to be a saltwater process in freshwater.

    I believe :

    the first hurdle in the aquarium would be to collect the ichthyoplankton/larvae and not filter it out of the tank. My assumption would be to run a larvae trap from salt water and no filtration whatever night spawning would occur to make it work.

    the second to concentrate them to feed microscopic foods for a period while still maintaining water parameters. 

    Once develop into fry and can start to eat more reliably raise them with the regular puffer challenges of food available vs puffers in need of that food. 




    colomesus asellus breeding - Google Scholar

    Transport of larval fish in the Amazon - Araujo‐Lima - 1998 - Journal of Fish Biology - Wiley Online Library

    Natural selection in the water: freshwater invasion and adaptation by water colour in the Amazonian pufferfish - COOKE - 2012 - Journal of Evolutionary Biology - Wiley Online Library

    Drift of Colomesus asellus (Teleostei : Tetraodontidae) larvae in the Amazon river- fdi:43866- Horizon (ird.fr)

    Can Amazon puffers live in brackish? 

    anyway I don’t want to clog your journal cool stuff none the less! maybe a giant tank with a colony of Congo puffers would be cool

  4. From what I’ve read it seems that this species drown easily (especially the nymphs) and they like stable humidity and good ventilation, also I’m not sure if they actually can drink from the water. But at the end of the day it’s your stick bug! Tank definitely looks nice and it’s nice to see that you did successfully do a water feature (I’ve heard they are very difficult to do in a terrarium)

  5. On 3/30/2023 at 10:37 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    Maybe you could put a fish or a snail in there.


    Honestly I wouldn’t but fish (anything will take a shot out of one of the stick bugs) 


    also I’m not sure if a water feature is safe for the stick bug. I’ll look into it more but it seems like they can drown

  6. On 3/30/2023 at 10:37 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    Maybe you could put a fish or a snail in there.

    Also, what are the chances we could get a short video of the stick insect at feeding time? ☺️

    I’ve seen stuck bugs (at my local nature center) a video and a picture of them eating (or doing anything) is basically the same!

  7. On 3/30/2023 at 10:08 AM, Tanked said:

    No aquariums in the bedroom. the houseplants won't give up their space.  Hearing my Common Pleco in the next room occasionally going bump in the night or moving some of the rocks when startled, was enough.

    I think my 3 inch clown pleco is loud just imagine a 2foot wood eating catfish!

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  8. On 3/30/2023 at 8:22 AM, mountaintoppufferkeeper said:

    I have not tried the amazon puffers the faster growth of the teeth and the planktonic larval stage is not something I have set up for yet but never say never on that one. 


    I feel captive breed Amazon puffers would make them soooooo much more successful in aquaria, eliminates wild-caught problems and importing issues

    I really hope some one can breed them because a huge tank with a colony of them would be AWESOME!!!

  9. The beginning is the main part where I detail the behavior I have observed, its pretty dumbed down so non nerms can understand and probably is full of grammatical errors but I digress 


    On Poecilia wingei Maturity 

    *This paper should be in no way referenced in a scientific paper this is purely anecdotal.* 

            Poecilia wingei, commonly known as Endler's livebearers or Endler's guppies, is a common species of live-bearing aquarium fish native to Venezuela. Endlers are relatively genetically clean (unless hybridized with Poecilia reticulata) so it can give insight into their endangered wild population. The first day after being born, the fry is skittish, sticking to the region they were born in or adjacent areas connected by secure cover (very low activity.) After a few days after being born the fry are actively searching the surface of the water for any infusoria that they can find and catch (not much movement but usually are more active in areas in close proximity but not under floating plants, preferring to be exposed to the open water where presumably infusoria are feeding and reproducing.) Approximately a month after birth the fry begins to show sexually dimorphic traits; the females even though the same age are slightly larger than the males. The males also have developed a gonopodium which they use to procreate when they reach full maturity (although they start showing courting behavior), and females begin to show a black spot (their womb.) One month and a day to a week the males begin to show color (starting with their spot) explosive growth continues for the next few days- weeks (they have reached full maturity.)

  10. On 3/27/2023 at 2:11 PM, AquariumCentral said:

    OMG an ENDLER GUY!! tell me everything i need to know to raise them and keep them forever!

    Are there any other fish/ plants in the tank, because endlers live in slightly saline waters, probably would enjoy a 1.001 specific gravity

    Otherwise just add water and food, they will do the rest!

    On 3/27/2023 at 12:32 PM, AquariumCentral said:

    I want to move them out of the breeder net into the 25 gallon tank I have. It has no fish in it. How do i cover the filter intake to keep them from getting sucked up? Is it a better idea to just keep them int he breeder net? 

    I have my fry in my main tank, like with all sorts of stuff, never have seen them get eaten (in person) 

    I would use a sponge filter, as I commonly see the fry picking at it

    Floating plants are appreciated

    I wrote a thing on them for a English assignment that I will share if you want

  11. On 3/29/2023 at 8:37 PM, mountaintoppufferkeeper said:

    The project has officially begun now. 

    Egg collection was nearly impossible I was not really ready for it first round so grabbed the subwassertang and put it i to a german breeding ring floating in an empty 60 breeder.

    Still learning and the initial 6 or more will be invaluable to me to get better for the next group.  Adjustments to wild group tank to follow for the next try and hopefully get more eggs to start. 

    Day 0

    March 24 2023 at 134 pm up here



    Today day 5

    March 29th 2023 at 530pm to 615 pm





    @Preston John they are amazingly small in person. Way smaller than the palustris fry were. 5 days to free swimming at 9,100 feet seems like the altitude doesnt change the development so far. 



    Day 6  0432/432am


    Thats a normal sized subwassertang leaf for scale. That leaf above is a brazilian pennywort leaf. Some portion of the now 7 counted fry are eating based off the belly. 


    Have you tried breeding Amazon puffers?

    On 3/30/2023 at 6:40 AM, mountaintoppufferkeeper said:

    The hairy puffers are probably better at growing it than anyone 


    Hairy puffers can probably be with any plant!

  12. On 3/29/2023 at 11:03 AM, Miska said:

    So I want to get into breeding. I want to breed angel fish, but I also want to breed LFWCMM and I also want to breed CPDs and Emerald Dwarf Rasboras


    So I bought another tank. This one is going to go upstairs, I think, in my bedroom. (My bedroom is the size of a small studio apartment).  I hate the stand but it looks like it totally fits the tank? I am considering spray painting it a nice blue I have, and then adding vinyl waterproof wallpaper in segments to make it nicer. 

    Any thoughts? Anyone?


     @Elodie Rose @Guppysnail @cinnanoodles

    Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 11.00.43 AM.png

    Skip the paining! Go to PetSmart and buy one of these! https://www.petsmart.com/reptile/habitats-and-decor/habitat-decor/thrive-desert-3d-sandstone-background-5300293.html 

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