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The endler guy

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Posts posted by The endler guy

  1. On 6/17/2022 at 3:12 PM, Paul R said:

    Understandable. I understand money was spent on both and you don't want to waste it, but after looking at the specs on each light they are both capable of promoting plant growth alone. The two together could be giving extra light which will throw the balance off and promote the algae growth. Honestly, if it were me Aiden I would take out one of the lights and do a water change once a week for the next two to three weeks to see if it reduces and starves out the algae. After the two to three weeks, see how it is looking and if there is any progress. I feel like that will be the fix, but If you are still in the same boat after the first 2-3 weeks I would reduce how long the light is on each day and repeat the water change process for the next two to three weeks and check again. Just know it is going to be a process and take it one baby step at a time. I hope this is helpful. 

    how should/ should I do a water change because I have shrimp (and shrimplets) as well as newly born endler fry (I did a test today and the parameters are 0 NH4/3, 0 NO2, 0NO3)

  2. On 6/17/2022 at 3:12 PM, Paul R said:

    Understandable. I understand money was spent on both and you don't want to waste it, but after looking at the specs on each light they are both capable of promoting plant growth alone. The two together could be giving extra light which will throw the balance off and promote the algae growth. Honestly, if it were me Aiden I would take out one of the lights and do a water change once a week for the next two to three weeks to see if it reduces and starves out the algae. After the two to three weeks, see how it is looking and if there is any progress. I feel like that will be the fix, but If you are still in the same boat after the first 2-3 weeks I would reduce how long the light is on each day and repeat the water change process for the next two to three weeks and check again. Just know it is going to be a process and take it one baby step at a time. I hope this is helpful. 

    sure ill stop using the marine land and do water changes and see how it is in a few weeks! Thanks!

  3. On 6/17/2022 at 2:20 PM, Paul R said:

    It seems there are a few different strands of algae going on and I am not able to see them too well. Are you running the two lights at the same time? If so can I ask why? 

    Also, do you use any ferts? If so what type and how and often and do you do any water changes? If so how often? 

    I run two lights because the marine land is abysmal (worse than a light that comes with a kit) and the other light is to grow plants, it doesnt reach the front so I use the marine land (I may as well, I spent $60 its not like im going to not use it) to illuminate the front. I dont dose fertilizers besides root tabs, and being real I dont do water changes unless my ammonia or nitrites are elevated (but I do test weekly).

  4. As of a few months ago I have had a bad algae problem please help ID so I can better combat it, here's some info on the tank

    40 breeder

    75 gallon sponge filter

    5 gallon sponge filter

    https://www.amazon.com/NICREW-Freshwater-Aquarium-Light-Spectrum/dp/B08SC4DYN1/ref=sr_1_9?crid=XUH9G37NINEY&keywords=nicrew%2Bled%2Baquarium%2Blight&qid=1655485463&sprefix=nicre%2Caps%2C72&sr=8-9&th=1 (light)

    https://www.petsmart.com/fish/heating-and-lighting/lights/marineland-led-bright-lighting-system-16480.html (second light)

    stocking ( + or - some shrimp) (and endler fry) (and Im not finished stocking have to up schools and such since many are survivors of my first tank)

    3x Panda Cory (Corydoras panda) 4 x Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)4 x White Cloud Mountain Minnow (Tanichthys albonubes)2 x African Dwarf Frog (Hymenochirus boettgeri)1 x Peppered Cory (Corydoras paleatus)1 x Red Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda)10 x Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda)1 x Nerite Snail (Nerita sp.)5 x Endler (Poecilia wingei)

    lights where on 8 hours with the marine land on for 9 (its an abysmal light worst $60 ever spent) 

    I did have an out break of hydra about a month ago treated with no Planaria haven't seen any since 

    parameters since I got the tank in a google spread sheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16UK8a2AfMVECLHKoTSaUJgTGwcMM_AnGU4rpGdVpf50/edit?usp=sharing)

    any help is greatly appreciated!










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