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Stopping CO2 use

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It depends on how you define 'hurt'. Will they grow better and be able to use offered nutrients better when you add CO2, provided you are also providing sufficient light? Absolutely will they grow better with CO2. If your question is will they become dependent on it and die when you no longer provide CO2? No. However, if your other factors like the correct nutrients, and light aren't supplied in sufficient amounts they might.

DIY CO2 is not that reliable that you will necessarily see drastic, and overwhelming differences to begin with. That is not to say that you won't see any, but stopping it won't make your plants shrivel up and die.

Edited by Jungle Fan
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Thank you Jungle Fan. That was exactly what I wanted to know. I have my lights programed properly and I have the proper nutrients to add I just didn't know if the plants would become dependent on the Co2 and suffer when cut off. I'm not planning to sink a bunch of cash into Co2. Just gonna do a cheap down an dirty DIY setup to see how they react. Hoping to boost them to get a good full amount of growth then I'll shut it down and just Easy Green it after that.

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My advice to you would be to use a citric acid based DIY system over a yeast system; they last longer, have better output, are not as dependent on temperature, and there is generally no such thing as more potency of one one batch over another as comes with getting different strains of yeast.

Here a video and a few links you might find helpful:



A word of caution:  I once started with a glass bell that was filled with CO2 via a hose from a cylinder and that was refilled sporadically when the cork floating inside the bell had reached the top, then I went to yeast, then on to citric acid/ bicarbonate, then on to single stage regulators, and on to dual stage regulators with solenoid on a 5 lb. cylinder. I've also got all kinds of devices in a box as means of delivery from diffusers, to atomizers, to reactors, in tank, and in line. It's an addictive slippery slope, and you'll likely be hooked once you see the results.

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I fully understand. I have a tendency to go overboard and I end up with tons of leftover parts from previous hobbies. 

I'm trying to go the cheapest way possible to start since I've never delt with Co2 before. Figured I try to ease in at first. I did decide the citric acid was my safest bet (my Amazon delivery is scheduled for tomorrow). I like the option of stoping the process and if anything goes wrong I'm thinking citric an baking soda would smell alot better than fermented yeast in the living room floor.

Thank you for your insight on my questions. Sounds like hearing your advise that I've done pretty well with my research and the setup I chose to go with. Much appreciated. 

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