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Parasite problems


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Hi all! This is my first post, and it’s about parasite problems! My main question is: after one complete treatment of API General Cure, some of my glofish danios started showing white poop (I’d never been able to catch them pooping before, and I’m sure the rest poop I’ve just not seen it) and have continued to do so about 4 days after I completed the treatment. The one I saw tonight looked like a white string with beads in it. Does this mean they still have worms, and I should do another treatment immediately? Or is this them pooping out dead worms, and I can wait the rest of the two week time period to treat again (to catch hatched worms)? The fish are eating well, and the ones that were really hit by the wasting disease seem to be putting some weight on again.

 Background: 29 gallon tank has been set up for 2 months. 7 white skirt tetras, 8 (now 7, one didn’t recover from the wasting disease and died today) glofish zebra danios. They were added at the same time about 6 weeks ago, and I didn’t quarantine them, but have certainly learned my lesson! There’s also a young bristlenose pleco in there that’s been in for about 3 weeks and seems to be doing great, and a hitchhiker bladder snail that was the lone one for about 2 months and has suddenly produced a second. There’s some live plants in there, have no idea what kind, but they’re from Petco so I’m guessing pretty common, and some hair algae that’s doing well ....

I’ve already treated for ich and fin rot, both of which the tetras had. It’s been fun, but I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Tested today and ammonia & nitrite are 0, nitrates are 5ppm. I don’t have the gh/kh test kits but my tap water is fairly hard, and temp stays steady at 75. I did a water change at the end of the treatment.

Thanks all!


Edited by Sunny
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Thank you! I started another round of treatment and the danios suddenly stopped moving and eating, and now they’re all hovering in the top back corner of the tank. No ammonia or nitrites so I did a 50% water change in case it was the medicine, because last time I dosed general cure it made them more active. There was no improvement the next day, so I checked my water again, but this time also checked the ph, which plummeted to 6. 

I guess I’ll do another water change tomorrow to try and raise the ph? My tap water is 8.2. But other than that, not really sure how to proceed.

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The crushed coral is all sold out in my area, but I put an an air stone in there and that helped! Ph is up to 7.2. One danio was starting to struggle with swimming (and the others were hovering around it in... support? Waiting for it to die so they could have a snack...??) so moved it to a hospital tank. He’s not eating still.

Now there’s two others that were eating and happy, but when I dosed the second round of general cure they stopped moving and eating and just sit at the top of the tank. 😭

The skirt tetras are still doing great, at least.

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The timing could be totally coincidental. Maybe the first treatment helped them feel better, but it wasn’t enough to get rid of everything, and they started going downhill again and it just so happened that’s when I started the second treatment, because they were looking worse. I freaked out and stopped the second treatment but I’m going to go for a drive and get some crushed coral, maybe that’ll help keep ph stable while treating.

 Thanks for your help on this!! I’ll let you know what happens. And here I thought the tetras would be the difficult ones lol.

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Some of the danios have been eating, but some are not. It's kind of hard to tell which ones are which, but there's three that are hanging out in the corner that don't seem to be interested. I fasted the whole tank yesterday, so I'll see if they're interested today.

Now in my 10 gallon, by betta is lethargic and just sitting on the gravel..... sigh.......

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I did add new plants and found out there was a pest snail on one (I think pond snail). He also has a new heater (switched from the original heater that came with the kit to Fluval one so I could put the old one in a quarantine tank). The plants were on Saturday and I think the heater was Thursday or Friday.

I went ahead and dosed some erythromycin this morning and this evening he is swimming around like his normal self. Did the snail bring in something??


PS- the danios in the other tank seem to be perking up a bit, and most of them at least made an attempt to get the frozen brine shrimp I dropped in.

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He’s much better today! He swam up to greet me and is back to exploring his tank and zipping around. Yay!!! 

The danios are also much better and back to chasing each other around. A light at the end of the tunnel! Thank you @Coluand @Dwayne Brown! I think they’re going to make it.

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