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Is this cyanobacteria?


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So I have found some blue green algae in my fish tank, but now that got me wondering if the algae in my pond is blue green algae. Here are some pics. They are quite stringy and sort of fall apart when you touch them, or at least they are hard to grab. Also when they are at the top of the water bubbles form in the algae. I am really worried about animals and my cat drinking out of it and dying! If it is blue green algae how can I get it out.

P.S. If this helps, I had amazon sword that was in the pond but it died because of the cool water. When I took it out it was all dead and decaying and the algae had grown on it. When I took it out it had a bad smell. 





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To me that looks like filimentous diatoms--can you put some in a jar? Used to seeing it from the side. Pretty sure most animals with better noses than ours would not choose to drink water with cyanobacteria in it--it would have to be the only water source for miles.

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10 hours ago, Brandy said:

To me that looks like filimentous diatoms

Thank you! I think it is that. When I looked up filamentous diatoms it looked the same. I think the defining feature of theis algae is it is very flowy and loose and falls apart when touched. 

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