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Sandra the fish rookie

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of the 5 guppies I purchased 07 Feb 2021 I now have 1 left as the one I thought was doing well.. died.. suddenly.. I do my chemistry DAILY.. because I am waiting for this tank to cycle... I have my hospital tank set up.. with old filters and a sponge filter as well. I am adding benificial bacteria to help get it started. I keep seeing people who have cycled a tank in a week.. and here I am almost 3 months in.. and still have no Nitrate reading... it has been 0ppm since day 1!! 

PH 7.3, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrates 0ppm, GH 120ppm KH 110ppm Water Temp 78.6

Now my original guppy is not acting right. he is on the top of the water, which has me worried. I was thinking of doing a water change, but not sure if that will help or not. He is eating, but I don't use that to guide me if they are okay.. because I have had fish eat and then die hours later so,,, 

Below is a picture of Brisco, my original guppy . Swimming at the surface is not a good sign is it? ugh 😞

Second picture is the one that died very suddenly yesterday (from the new batch I purchased)


Brisco Feb 17 2021.jpg

Sudden dead guppy 2.jpg

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I'm a newbie too, but can you clarify how you are cycling?  You had mentioned you were still cycling the tank, but then later said "here I am 3 months in..." so I wasn't sure where you were in the process.  While I don't think this is the cause, you could lower the temperature of your water a few degrees as I think 78 degrees is the upper end of their preferred spectrum.  Other than that, your water looks great... I'm actually jealous!

Don't get discouraged!  My used to wife joke to our family and friends saying my tank is where fish would go to die.  I've lost more fish than I care to admit since I started, many of which were inexplicable to me just as yours are, but they are starting to have longer life spans. 😃

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@Martin I don't really have a process. I was so rookie, I set up my tank, live plants, substrate, drift wood from my LFS aquarium that he sold me. Let it sit for some time. BUT, I did not have the right testing equipment (freshwater testing kit by API). about a week later I added 3 guppies, 1 Mystery snail. Well guess what? 2 guppies died back to back. 1 survived. Had my water tested at the LFS, who knew I had a BRAND NEW tank. Because I had no ammonia, said I was fine. a week later I got 2 cory cat's. They are doing great. My plants are growing, and per some that's a sign of being cycled. My concern is that I never get any indication of Nitrate... NONE.. always 0ppm. I had a random ammonia spike (0.20-0.25ppm) that was very short lived. but my Nitrate would just go from yellow to a slightly darker yellow.. never progressing past that. I am able to feed my fish daily with zero change in chemistry. I did add Fritz Zyme during water changes, and continue to do so, to keep the bacteria growth up. But as of now, I still have no nitrates.. not even a bit... I just don't understand what I am doing wrong. 

As for the guppies, I am just thinking they are not of the best quality. I think when these two go, I plan to move on to something different. but plan to add to the Cory cat fish numbers first.. 

I am only doing whatever members here suggest or recommend to try. I have watched A LOT of Cory's videos and live streams.. but other than that.. doing what I can... but have a feeling I am not doing the right thing. 

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I'm not sure you are doing anything wrong per say.  It doesn't sound like you are keeping a whole lot of fish currently.  If so, then there would be little waste, which would produce little ammonia to feed the nitrogen cycle leading to nitrates.  What nitrates are produced are possibly being taken up by the live plants you have.  I noticed you said you are adding Fritz Zyme regularly.  I'm a newbie too, but I don't think repeated applications are necessary.  I always thought stuff like that and API Quickstart are a one-time seeding and then allowing time for them to multiply.  If you want to help it along, you could always add some bio balls or the like to your filter.  

I wish I were experienced enough to answer all your questions, but I don't want to pretend like I am.  I will say that I'm finding patience is really key to the process.  The first time I did a tank, I went in rather naïve thinking water and food for fish was pretty much all I needed.  Needless to say, that did not go well.  For this time, I forced myself to be patient to do things as right as I could.  I set up my tank with substrate only and let it cycle for two weeks.  After that, I boiled my driftwood and stones and set up my scape and allowed it to sit another week.  Then I added all my plants and allowed them to settle in for two more weeks.  After that, I put in my snails and shrimp, then fish a week later.  It was hard because I really wanted a pretty tank and that's all I was thinking, but I had to force myself to curb that behavior and I'm glad I did.  This tank is FAR more stable and the animal life is doing MUCH better than previous.

That being said, if you guppies don't make it, you might want to slow the process down and not replace them just yet.  Let all the other factors settle, allow the plants to take root well, and ease into the animal life slowly.  Your water parameters are almost the exact same as mine, except I had to cheat with a Wonder Shell to get my GH up and my KH is still next to nil.  We're gonna make it!

Edited by Martin
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It sounds to me like it's the guppies...and not you...especially since the corydoras are thriving!  Your water stats are ideal for guppies based on my quick Google...super jealous of your kH!  My water is softer than a cloud!  What are you medicating with in your hospital tank?

I know lighter colored 💩 tends to be a sign of a parasite or illness...so, it's very possible that your new guppies were ill to begin with.  I can't confirm if that poo in your photo is a worm (maybe someone more experienced than me can!)...but it looks sus to me.

I'm a fan of the Fluval Biological Enhancer...which probably does the same thing as your Zyme.  Fluval recommends adding extra bacteria whenever you add new stock to your tank to balance out the added bio-load of the new resident(s).  I'm not sure you need to add bacteria with every water change...what kind of filter are you working with?  A sponge component is always great for giving the culture lots of room to grow!  As long as you've got an ammonia source (poop! or, ghost feeding!) and a place for them to hang out (the sponge) then your bacteria buddies should be happy happy happy!

Please keep us updated!!!


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I think what is upsetting is that the one that is now sick, is the original one.. who was totally fine till I added the others that now has contaminated my tank. I was so stupid to add fish.. I didn't have a QT at the time (I do now!) and its not fully filtered, but I can have fish in it if I am in a pinch. 

I think that all the meds may have impacted my bacteria a bit. I did a water change, and added a bit to my HOB filter to help it out a bit. 

I am on the 2 week break, and am due to do the second treatment of ParaCleanse. I don't even know if its worth it... with the havoc that the meds have caused on my main tank.. only to have almost ALL the guppies die anyway. The Corydora's are doing really well... ugh.. I just don't know anymore

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It would be easy for me to give you a cookie-cutter answer like "don't get discouraged", but the reality is of course it is discouraging when your heart is in the right place, and you are trying to do the best you can for your fish.....and seemingly struggling at doing so. It's only natural to be a bit discouraged.

My only advice would be that right now you are oiling the machine, so to speak. Sooner than later, your tank WILL run like a well-oiled machine, and that is when you can really step back, enjoy it, and find comfort in the fact that the bumpy road you are now experiencing wasn't in vain, and actually was a good learning experience in making you a better fishkeeper/pet-parent.

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