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Help with Stocking Ideas!


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Hey everyone  My name is Joe. I will get right to the point and try not to confuse anyone. I have four tanks all lightly live planted. A 1.5 gallon, 3 gallon, 10 gallon and a 29 gallon. Fish i have are 1 powder blue dwarf gourami and 2 albino cory cats in the 10gl. I have one ramhorn snail in the 1.5. One female betta in the 3 gallon. and one Buenos Aires Tetra in the 29 gallon. So i HAD 6 tetra that mostly killed each other and got stuck in the filter they were in the 10 gallon by themselves. ih ave intake filters now so that problem is solved. So the lonely guy or girl tetra is left. I only got the B.A. tetra as suggested by the pet store because i was new to the hobby and was told they're a hardy fish. But im not too fond of them as they were quite aggressive. So i dont know what to do with it.But I know for sure I would like to put the gourami and my 2 cats and get more albino cats for the 29 and move tetra back to the 10. So the question is What could i put with the cats and gourami in the 29? And what other species could i put with the tetra in the 10? (they were paired with female betta in the pet store) Ive read other tetra or danios but its only a ten gallon and i know they are schooling fish so its not like i can get 12 fish in there happily. I just don't know. ANY help would be greatly appreciated. My Betta is happy in the 3 gallon her name is mimi might get a snail for her . And im getting more snails and some shrimp i think for the 1.5. Thanks in advance I look forward to seeing some ideas I've watched the youtube videos figured  ide try this out. New to the forum love the You tube videos. 

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For the 29g you have a top dweller (gourami)  and a couple bottom dwellers (cory cats), I would suggest some middle dwelling fish. The amount of fish in this area is way too much to list and is really dependable on personal preference. In my opinion, I would get some more Buenos Aires tetras as you already have the one and they like groups. I know you said you want to keep it in the 10g but they can get a pretty hefty size (like 3 inches :0), so it would do better in the 29g. Guppies are also available practically everywhere and they add a nice addition to all over the tank. In my personal opinion, move all your current fish into the 29g except the betta. Then take the betta and relocate it to the 10g as that is a much more habitable place for a betta. If you want to go into more depth, please don't hesitate to reach out 🙂

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UPDATE: So I ended up getting 10 cherry barbs for the 29 and I love them.But 2 died getting stuck in my large intake sponge filter and one got stuck in my anubias plant and died, I just got gone from work and found them, very sad.They are just so tiny still :Pet store said I could return the b.a tetra so that's good.I'm keeping the dwarf gourami in the 10. He has a little fin rot from being nipped at  so I'm medicating him now with melafix . Hope it'll be ok. I ultimately want end up with 12 cherry barbs, 2 or 3 peacock gudgeons Or something similar thru look so cool. And 8 or so corys. Is that too much? not enough? any alternative suggestions for peacocks?  Thanks again.

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18 minutes ago, Joe Masci said:

UPDATE: So I ended up getting 10 cherry barbs for the 29 and I love them.But 2 died getting stuck in my large intake sponge filter and one got stuck in my anubias plant and died, I just got gone from work and found them, very sad.They are just so tiny still :Pet store said I could return the b.a tetra so that's good.I'm keeping the dwarf gourami in the 10. He has a little fin rot from being nipped at  so I'm medicating him now with melafix . Hope it'll be ok. I ultimately want end up with 12 cherry barbs, 2 or 3 peacock gudgeons Or something similar thru look so cool. And 8 or so corys. Is that too much? not enough? any alternative suggestions for peacocks?  Thanks again.

I don't think the fish cause of death in your aquarium is getting stuck in the intake filter or the anubias plant. I think it might be that the fish were unhealthy, sick, or dying at the store, and just happened to die in your aquarium. When fish die, they often float around and are sucked towards the filter or settle in plants. Could I see a picture of your filter intake?

On 2/14/2021 at 9:58 AM, Joe Masci said:

Hey everyone  My name is Joe. I will get right to the point and try not to confuse anyone. I have four tanks all lightly live planted. A 1.5 gallon, 3 gallon, 10 gallon and a 29 gallon. Fish i have are 1 powder blue dwarf gourami and 2 albino cory cats in the 10gl. I have one ramhorn snail in the 1.5. One female betta in the 3 gallon. and one Buenos Aires Tetra in the 29 gallon. So i HAD 6 tetra that mostly killed each other and got stuck in the filter they were in the 10 gallon by themselves. ih ave intake filters now so that problem is solved. So the lonely guy or girl tetra is left. I only got the B.A. tetra as suggested by the pet store because i was new to the hobby and was told they're a hardy fish. But im not too fond of them as they were quite aggressive. So i dont know what to do with it.But I know for sure I would like to put the gourami and my 2 cats and get more albino cats for the 29 and move tetra back to the 10. So the question is What could i put with the cats and gourami in the 29? And what other species could i put with the tetra in the 10? (they were paired with female betta in the pet store) Ive read other tetra or danios but its only a ten gallon and i know they are schooling fish so its not like i can get 12 fish in there happily. I just don't know. ANY help would be greatly appreciated. My Betta is happy in the 3 gallon her name is mimi might get a snail for her . And im getting more snails and some shrimp i think for the 1.5. Thanks in advance I look forward to seeing some ideas I've watched the youtube videos figured  ide try this out. New to the forum love the You tube videos. 

For stocking options:

1.5 gallon: I would say nothing in here, but it can be used as a fry tank or holding tank when you're tranferring fish. If not, then I would just say get rid of it.

3 gallon: Nothing in here as well, unless you wanted to do a planted shrimp/snail aquarium. As with the first aquarium, you could also do a fry tank.

10 gallon: Betta planted community aquarium. You could do your female betta, a group of schooling fish (around six of one of the following: neon tetra, harlequin rasbora, espei rasbora, white cloud mountain minnow, ember tetra, or chile rasbora), and a group of bottom dwellers (four or so kuhli loaches or panda corydoras, or around six pygmy corydoras). Also add in Amano shrimp or snails if you like these.

29 gallon: Planted community aquarium. Lots of plants to form a sort of jungle, offering plenty of hiding places and also increasing the bioload you can have in the aquarium. One dwarf gourami, your school of cherry barbs, and a large group of albino cory catfish like you have (all corydoras are great in large groups). You could also add in Amano shrimp, snails, and a couple more fish. Anything that's not aggressive would be perfect. I would recommend otocinclus catfish (eat algae, stay small, and are schooling fish so get at least three), guppies, endler's livebearers, small tetras (neons, cardinals, rummynose, embers, etc.) or rasboras of some sort. Another option that would be really fun are pygmy corydoras. They are tiny cories that also swim midwater sometimes. Get a large group of 12 or more. All of these stay small and live in groups, so they'd be perfect for your 29 gallon setup.

Hope this helps!

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31 minutes ago, Joe Masci said:

My 29  with large intake sponge from aquarium coop and regular large sponge filter. ill be adding more plants 

Yeah so judging based on the pictures, it is not that the fish got stuck in the filter intake, but that they were unhealthy or dying at the store and when they got home they died.

Edited by CorydorasEthan
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