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Why are my two new blood parrots so skiddish?


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I got two new blood parrots about 3 days ago and put them in a cycled and appropriately suited 40 breeder. At the store they would follow my finger and seemed so excited and full of personality. Since i got them they are out and about in the tank until i get near and they hide until i leave again. They will eat but only if i drop food in then leave, any advice?

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I'd give it some time. Getting scooped up, bagged, and placed in a new environment can shake a fish up pretty good. A few days in they may still be getting accustomed to their new home. I think staying the course for a bit longer and they should start behaving more like you saw at the store. 

If you see something like signs of disease or they stop eating that may be a cause of concern. I've had new fish take over a week to come out and settle in. 

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