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Hello everyone! I am experienced in keeping aquariums, but new to live aquatic plants. I have some recently ordered new Windelov ferns and water sprite. As I was cleaning them and pruning dead spots, I wondered what size rhizome can survive? If it is bright green, has roots, but no leaves, how small is too small to try to save? Any input would be greatly appreciated as I am eager to learn more.

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Very true. I have managed to stop anubias rot on three separate plants and save them just by reading these forums. Also from my knowledge of biology and botany. Although I've never had live aquatic plants before, all of my plants are thriving and growing like crazy. I love them. I can't believe it took me 30 years to get them! I'm hooked! Thanks for the input.👍

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Water sprite is arguably the easiest plant in the world to propagate (other than floating plants which self-propagate.) Simply break off a leaf and let it float and it should spawn lots of baby water sprite plants from that one leaf. A rhizome (you're likely talking about the java fern here) will have dormant eyes/buds just waiting to spring to life. Just plop it in the tank and watch it and it should take off and grow. 

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