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Fluval uvc inline clarifier and green water


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I had green water problem that won't go a way on my 60gallon have try everything I have reduced lighting hours increase water changes covered my tank with cover and left light off for 5days   so I got a fluval uvc clarifier it been going one week but has not had any effect any one   use fluval uvc clarifier had problem with it  or any one have any ideas to get rid of my green water problem


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UV inhibits the reproduction of the free floating algae that make the water green but it won't kill the currently existing free floating green algae. So, perhaps it will take longer to begin to have an effect.

Alternatively, if the free floating algae reproduces at a faster rate than the UV can depress reproduction it may have a hard time ever catching up.

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I am dealing with green water too, a method I found and am using right now is to get more plants. I got some amazon frogbit, and hopefully that wil help along with regular waterchanges. The plants will use up all the nutrients that the algae is and then the algae will soon die off.

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Green water is usually a result of generous nutrients in the water and enough light to support rapid free floating algae reproduction. Without one or the other the free floating algae eventually cannot reproduce and dies. This is the point your water goes clear. The aquarium that produced the green water for the video below is clearing up today because it has had reduced light recently as it has been cloudy for a week here in North Carolina.


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No I have I test my water  weekly ammonia nitirte are zero Nitrate 5 phosphate of 1 and I only have one fish in this tank  I have ziss300f bubble filter  fand a fluval 307 external canister filter do 25%water once a week  only started 4month ago I have no change anything 

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Just now, Colu said:

I have enough biological filteraition to remove nutrients  

I suspect that you do too. But part of that biological filtration might be the free floating green algae. It seems to have been okay for the last 4 months without starving to death.

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It improved but for about 1week  and then came  back that was before I got my UV cleariser duck weed  and some  some plant I can't remember name of can't have a lot of plant just get up rooted  and eaten

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 minutes ago, Colu said:

Just thought I give update  it took 12days but my tanks water  finely clear had to do extra water changes to remove dead suspended algae in water column. My fluval uvc  inline clarifier worked just took longer than I was expecting

What does it look like now? A photo would help.

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