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Stressed Guppies

Taco Playz

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So one of my female guppies just had fry!!! I wanted to leave them in the tank but I don’t know if they will survive, I have a breeder net but it is pretty big for a 5.5 gallon tank. Also when should I transfer my guppies to my empty 10 gallon. Also for some reason one looks like it has been bitten but it doesent look like fin rot. 

Taco Playz

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Most guppy breeders have a thick form of vegeatation. Plants such as,

-Guppy Grass

-Most Floating Plants


Will work great!
An idea would be to move the adults to a seperate tank (like the 10 gallon). And then once the fry, are old enough to withstand a tank of adults move them in and get thick plants, for future fry to hid in.

Does that make sense?

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So I am about to move the parents to the 10 gallon tank, how much do you guys think I should feed my baby fry and should I do it 2 times a day I go to school so I might have to do it in the morning. I have 5 survivors and I have dried blood worms and flake food which should I feed


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