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Betta with Saddleback disease


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Hi! I realized my betta was slowly turning white and didn't realize it was a bacterial infection until a week ago. I did a ton of googling and read about 50 forum posts all saying that bettas turn white for a multitude of reasons, Including stress. Stress is what I assumed it was since my betta has never been calm a day in his little life. However, upon him getting worse and me adding "black" to my search criteria, I found out about saddleback disease. The pictures rang a bell because this is how it started.20240626_163553.jpg.01d7ab19869c9f0ba03f038e93f49d99.jpg20240918_215311.jpg.2c1e56667a2f286230593a21fb5290a1.jpg

And now I'm here with a fish who is very very white.

He's in a hospital tank, eating, and has had a round of antibacterial medicine (api fin and body cure) but he looks kinda sad. He lays on the bottom of the hospital tank all day but he'll swim up to me for food and to say hi when I approach. At the moment I just have Aquarium salt in the water, but I was wondering if I should give him more meds? Or just wait and see how he does? I've never had to take care of a sick fish before and this is the first time I've had an issue in the 2 years I've had him. Here's how he looks as of now with my test strip results. Our water is extremely high in calcium so prepare yourselves I guess. Temp in the tank usually sits around 76-77 Fahrenheit.20240918_213222.jpg.1e9d148224182e5865b46b34781050af.jpg20240918_213133.jpg.7729407746cfe562d5e97ea434195f06.jpg20240918_213023.jpg.500e60397b3e746d47231f4bb7bc6893.jpg

Apologies for the photo quality, but even sick sitting still is not in my bettas vocabulary.

Any advice/ encouragement is welcome. I'm just disappointed in myself for not catching it sooner.

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He looks horribly emaciated in the second photo. Hopefully that’s just a camera angle. But if that’s really how he looks, it’s going to be really hard to get him to come back. Not a fan of fin and body cure. Just doesn’t work. At this point, I’d do a full course of maracyn2 or kanaplex in the tank. Maracyn2 if the tank has snails or is heavily planted. Follow package directions carefully. Aquarium salt works. 1 tablespoons per 3 to 5 gallons. I’d also look at adding some catapa leaves for their tannins. 

if he really is that bad, euthanasia is a valid option. I have a hard time doing it, so understand completely. But if he deteriorates, it’s more humane. Your call of course. And it’s not exactly your fault. These things require some experience. If you hadn’t seen this before, how would you know. 

but let’s ask @Colu for more options. 

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Thanks for the advice! I ordered everything I needed. He's looking a little better and he's gotten a bit of weight and color back on him. I wanted to ask what to do with the planted tank to make sure he doesn't get sick again? I have my mystery snail in there and I'm not sure if I can/should do anything to it. I'm hoping he'll pull through but just in case I wouldn't want to get another fish sick if I got a new one.

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On 9/21/2024 at 10:25 PM, pctomgirl said:

Thanks for the advice! I ordered everything I needed. He's looking a little better and he's gotten a bit of weight and color back on him. I wanted to ask what to do with the planted tank to make sure he doesn't get sick again? I have my mystery snail in there and I'm not sure if I can/should do anything to it. I'm hoping he'll pull through but just in case I wouldn't want to get another fish sick if I got a new one.

I would just leave the tank alone just make sure you have stable water parameters add a small amount of food daily to keep it cycled till you add your betta back in I wouldn't recommend using medication they will harm your mystery snail 

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