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The Erickson Tanks - 10+29 Gallons of Utter Chaos!

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Howdy everyone👋

After a lot of learning, planning, executing, learning, plant casualties (oopsies) and more learning, I've decided to start a journal and document the progress of my two tanks. 

The first of which is the 10g Betta Tank. This has been my ultimate learning tank - it's taught me a lot. I still struggle with algae in this tank. Some plants are doing well, others not so much. It isn't terrible, but it isn't as good as I think it could be. May end up doing a complete redo of this tank in the future (mostly to take out the fake rock bc my nerite has totally scraped all the paint off of it LOL) but for now, I'm just doing my best to keep the plants healthy and the fish happy. 

This tank is home to 1 elderly betta named Cosmo (where are my cougar fans at?!) and a nerite snail. Both are living out their golden years in this tank.


The other half to this party (and the reason I've decided to start a journal) is the 29g Community Tank! It's hanging out in our home office upstairs. I'm really excited for this tank and can't wait to watch the plants grow in and the fish grow up. 


I bought some regular ol' petco gravel for this tank and didn't realize it would be this coarse. Oh well... ya live and ya learn. At least I'm enjoying the color of it so far. I just didn't love how the black Eco Complete showed all the mess in my other tank.


Right now there's only 8 cherry barbs and 1 hillstream loach in here. Not exactly sure which variety he is. LFS said he was a "zebra bluefin" but I'm not sure.



I love the cherry barbs already. They're very new and shy right now (hence no pictures of them out and about in the tank) but already lots of fun to feed and watch do their thing.

I don't want to crazy overstock it, but I want to really see the fish and enjoy a lot of action! So the plan for this tank is:

8 (or more) cherry barbs

8-10 cardinal tetras

1 honey gourami OR 1 bolivian ram

6-8 panda corydoras

Possibly 2 more hillstream loaches bc they're tons of fun already!


Anyways - there ya have it! I love this hobby and am super stoked to have this new tank open up so many more options!

Let the chaos begin!🐠🌱


Edited by EricksonAquatics
formatting + fixed pictures
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