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Betta fry popeye


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Copy pasting a part of my journal here since it's a disease issue

Hi I hope you're doing good ! One of my betta fry that was in a grow out tank got popeye in one of it's eye. I started by waiting and keeping it's jar (I moved it to a 1L jar) clean, but to no avail. So I setup a 5g tank with cattapa leaves and salt to treat the eye. I used dechlorinated water that I heated to 30 celsius and I added around 7.5ml of salt (the dose on the box). If you guys think I should do something more other than water change every other day and readding salt after water changes, I'm all ears ! Here's some pics of the poor fry :



Weirdly, on another angle, it seems like the fry has two pupil. Like there's the sick part, under it what looks like the eye/other eye ?20240831_195751.jpg.74596d98061a63a918f246d22f62134d.jpg20240831_195753.jpg.bf3c7370fdbcf8b32e5c05be2f8ea9e4.jpg

For the double eye thingy, it's hard to tell on picture because the fry moves way too much and my phone's camera is kinda bad, but you can really see two pupils on the eye. One on what seems to be the infected and ''popping'' part and one under what seems the eye ? Is it an optical illusion or not ?

Obviously the water doesn't have any pollution, since it's a new medical tank that I'll clean every other day. The fry has been there for only a day, but I'm wondering if there's more I could do for it.

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Popeye can be caused by an injury to the eye a bacterial infection or a growth behind the eye I would use aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons to help reduce fluid buildup in the eye and do a course of maracyn2 active ingredient minocycline also has anti-inflammatory properties just in case there's a bacterial component@TheFishCellar

Edited by Colu
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I wouldn't recommend using methylene blue in your main tank it will kill your benefial bacterial and  it will only treat some  external bacterial infections  maracyn2 is a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment I would recommend treating with that you can get it off eBay Amazon if you can't source it I would only use methylene in a quarantine tank or bath @TheFishCellar

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It's not the main tank, it's a quarantine tank. But if maracyn2 is more efficient in treating the little guy, I could order some on Amazon. I'll get more aquarium salt tomorrow for him and hope that reduces the inflamation.

Do I add it straight to the tank, or do I make him baths ? @Colu

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On 9/4/2024 at 3:44 AM, TheFishCellar said:

It's not the main tank, it's a quarantine tank. But if maracyn2 is more efficient in treating the little guy, I could order some on Amazon. I'll get more aquarium salt tomorrow for him and hope that reduces the inflamation.

Do I add it straight to the tank, or do I make him baths ? @Colu

If he's is quarantine you can add it straight to the tank just remember to only put back in what you take out so if you do a 2 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of salt back in as salt only removed though water changes 

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On 9/7/2024 at 4:53 AM, TheFishCellar said:

Since I'm in Canada, I imagine the product would take quite a while to arrive at my place. Since the fry is in an quarantine tank, wouldn't betta revive do the same job as marcyn2 ? @Colu

maracyn2 is a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment that will treat  internal and external bacterial infection active ingredient minocycline also has anti-inflammatory properties betta revive is methylene blue that will only treat some external bacterial and fungal infections usually with Popeye it's caused by internal bacterial infection  in the eye that's why I would recommend maracyn2 if you want to treat with betta revive while you wait for maracyn2 to arrive I would do that 

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