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Plecos and cooler temps

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Is there a Pleco that grows to no more than 6 inches and can thrive in 72-74 degree water? I once had a common Pleco in cooler temps but from what I've read they should be in warmer water. I also need a smaller Pleco that can do well in a 40 breeder. 

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Yeah, a Bristlenose is one of the answers and easily found. I'd have a love/hate relationship with that LFS. It's great that they won't sell a fish to the wrong buyer, but it's bad that they think they know more than they do. None of my tanks were heated and I had breeding colonies of Super Reds in all of them. It wasn't an issue at all. I've also kept a Gibbiceps pleco in an unheated fifty-gallon tank (yeah, he outgrew it) with no trouble and that was in a pretty cool room where the air temp would often slip into the fifties overnight. He also almost bankrupted me as he'd eat a big food block daily and I was paying about three dollars per block. 

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On 8/21/2024 at 9:06 AM, Scaperoot said:

A LFS wouldn't sell me a Bristlenose because I didn't have a heater. I guess I'll try a different store. 

that is a lfs you dont need. if they have no clue about the fish.

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On 8/21/2024 at 5:06 PM, Scaperoot said:

A LFS wouldn't sell me a Bristlenose because I didn't have a heater. I guess I'll try a different store. 

To me, that’s a good one. Just inform them you have been to the hobby for x years with y amount of tanks and you keep this one without a heater but your tank sits around 72F min throughout the year anyway, if that’s the case ofc. They seem to prioritize the life of the animal over money with this attitude.

For many people, the tank temp may get low enough to negatively affect the fish without a heater during colder seasons.

and yes even around 20C during winter time, my bristlenoses were still breeding like rabbits. 

Also, not a pleco, but you can consider a group of hillstream loaches/borneo suckers instead for those temps as well

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I wouldn’t put a Flash in that tank. The breeders raise them at higher temps and they fall apart easily. 

On 8/21/2024 at 6:59 AM, Biotope Biologist said:

Honestly most of the upper tributary plecos fit the bill. Think rubberlip pleco, clown pleco, medusa, bristlenose.


These plecos are all used to fast flowing streams that stay much cooler than the surrounding areas. 

These are great ideas. Bristlenose have so much variety. 

Super Red, Snow Whites, Lemons, Blue Eyes so much variety. And honestly with long fins and things like Calicos lots of fun things to do. 

Edited by Beardedbillygoat1975
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