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10 gallon tank ideas


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Hey everyone! I am NEW to the aquarium world. My son wanted some new fish but I had no idea how detailed it would be. I have cycled the tank but I don't think I waited long enough. Aquarium co op was kind enough to send me videos to help. 

My question is what fish are fairly easy to keep in a ten gallon. I have a gravel substrate with about 5 plants right now and some drift wood. I am not adding anymore fish right now as I am letting the tank cycle some more and I'm continuing to test the water which actually says the water is ok according to the strips besides the ph being a smidge high. There is a mystery snail in there and he seems to be thriving but we will see. 

thanks in advance!

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Welcome Lou, do you have hard or soft water? Do you have a test kit? If you don’t know the answer to the water then what state do you live in? Some (like me in Florida) are notorious for having very hard water. Let’s start there and then we can narrow it down to what your or your son prefers. 

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I got the API freshwater kit and pick it up this afternoon. I have been using the strips and it says that nitrate/nitrite are safe, ph is neutral now, but the water is soft. I live in NC near the mountains. 

I have a gravel substrate and got some plants but I'm not sure what other plants to add. I uploaded a pic. 


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One of my favorite little fish is the harlequin rasboras. Can find them everywhere. Cool copper and black color. Super hardy. I’d get maybe 6-8. Let them acclimate for a month or so, then I’d add in a big finned betta. I have that one running right now. The betta doesn’t cause any issues 

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On 8/10/2024 at 12:38 PM, Tony s said:

One of my favorite little fish is the harlequin rasboras. Can find them everywhere. Cool copper and black color. Super hardy. I’d get maybe 6-8. Let them acclimate for a month or so, then I’d add in a big finned betta. I have that one running right now. The betta doesn’t cause any issues 

Same exact thoughts. That or chilli rasboras would be great! @Lou

Edited by Whitecloud09
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Ok there are two guppies in there right now that are luckily still alive. The pet store had said I needed cory catfish but I for they didn't make it. There are two plates also but I don't think they're doing great. Every pet store I went to has given me contradictory information and I found this place luckily! There is also a mystery snail but it seems to be doing great. Right now I am gonna hold off on fish if these make it! But we shall see! Thank you

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On 8/10/2024 at 12:46 PM, Lou said:

Ok there are two guppies in there right now that are luckily still alive. The pet store had said I needed cory catfish but I for they didn't make it. There are two plates also but I don't think they're doing great. Every pet store I went to has given me contradictory information and I found this place luckily! There is also a mystery snail but it seems to be doing great. Right now I am gonna hold off on fish if these make it! But we shall see! Thank you

Oh i did not know that there is others in the aquarium. I would hold off on both betta and rasbora. It would be overstocked. @Lou. Good luck.

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Do you have any nitrates at all. If you don’t, you may have sterile water still. You may not have it completely cycled yet. Guppies are kind of fragile depending on where you get them. Lots of health issues. But platys are usually tough as nails. If the platys aren’t happy, you may still have water issues going on. And most corys are also tough. Both guppies and platys will like harder water but your ph is fine. 


what type of bacteria are you using. You may need to boost the levels. And I’d leave your hob filter on there until it gets full of crud. Then just rinse it off and put it back in. It’s where most of your bacteria live. The fibers on the filter start to separate when they really need changing. 

Edited by Tony s
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Once your rank is a little more stable, I’d do something like White Clouds, Green Neon Tetras or similar hardy fish that top out around an inch. Chili Rasboras are amazing but they’re a little sensitive so not sure if they’re the best choice for beginners 🙂

Aquarium Co Ops website has a “help center” with tons of articles on stocking ideas for every tank. I believe the section is called Cookie Cutter Setups.

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On 8/10/2024 at 1:38 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

Once your rank is a little more stable, I’d do something like White Clouds, Green Neon Tetras or similar hardy fish that top out around an inch. Chili Rasboras are amazing but they’re a little sensitive so not sure if they’re the best choice for beginners 🙂

Aquarium Co Ops website has a “help center” with tons of articles on stocking ideas for every tank. I believe the section is called Cookie Cutter Setups.

Yes, watched a vid yesterday about Cory going over there website and all the articles and stuff. Wcmms i think are like actually are the hardiest things in the world lol. I had a 3 month ammonia spike and they couldn't care less, super healthy, do not get sick very often at all. Easy to feed and not picky. They are the goat fish imo. Yeah green neons, they are a lil smaller than neons so that is a good option. AC has the best articles and vids about everything u need to set up an aquarium.

I agree with you and @Tony s👍 

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Good advice here.  I would just like to add a couple suggestions.  Get some floating plants like red root floaters, salvinia, even duckweed.  They'll really help with the water quality and make you more successful.  

For fish, something fairly good looking and visible- serpae tetras, black skirt tetras,  maybe dwarf gouramis. But above all, assuming it's a good fit for the water and tank, get whatever the kid likes so he gets hooked.  One of us! One of us! 

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Hey everyone! Just got home and reading replies. 

I used the API freshwater master kit tonight. Ph is 7. Ammonia was .50 ppm, but zero nitrate and nitrite. I have 5 plants but they were out of duckweed so I will go back next week. I did add some root tabs for the plants. I have the API quick start and stress coat, that's what the operators had. Fish seem way more active today though. I'm not putting anymore fish in until I get the water situated. 

thank you all so much for your help! I appreciate you all being so kind. 

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It can be stressful to get going. Once you get your tank settled and seasoned it will be easier and more enjoyable. I agree with the others recommending floating plants. They help a lot. Duck weed can start going nuts but it's worth it in my opinion, and you can just scoop out the extra. I also like my water spangles.

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It'll get less stressful with experience.  kinda, haha.

You could probably find someone local who'd be happy to give you some floaters.  They grow fast and most people give or throw away lots of them. 

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One of my favorite floaters is hornwort. It grows very fast. Gives cover to small fish. And just devours any kind of nitrogen it can get. And if it outgrows its space, you just pull it apart and chuck the stuff you don’t want. 

It can be stressful doing this for a while. Especially alone. But you’re not alone. Ask questions. We’re here to help. No judgement. And it gets easier and feels normal after a while 😁

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Does your son like community’s with lots of little fish swimming around, maybe some shrimp. If so, I would suggest getting Chilly Rasboras some cherry shrimp, and a snail. If your son likes 1 big center piece, I would suggest a betta. I love their personally, and I have had at least 1 betta at all times for years. If he wants a mix of both, I would do a honey gourami. They are peaceful, and have wonderful personalities. Also they stay small, and you could do 6 pigmy Corys  and 1 honey. And you have a beautiful tank with lots of action. 

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Thanks! He actually was interested in some shrimp. Right now there are two guppies, 2 plates, two afd (they're being moved today) and a mystery snail. As of today everyone is still alive and active! Water seems clearer also. It does have a reddish tint but my ph was high and pet store suggested Catappa leave

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On 8/10/2024 at 9:29 PM, Lou said:

Hey everyone! Just got home and reading replies. 

I used the API freshwater master kit tonight. Ph is 7. Ammonia was .50 ppm, but zero nitrate and nitrite. I have 5 plants but they were out of duckweed so I will go back next week. I did add some root tabs for the plants. I have the API quick start and stress coat, that's what the operators had. Fish seem way more active today though. I'm not putting anymore fish in until I get the water situated. 

thank you all so much for your help! I appreciate you all being so kind. 

You will get contradictory info because fish keeping is like baking a cake 100 recipes.  But there should be a few constant themes. Water quality, I used to live in Black Mountain I used to frequent Exotic Pets for fish in Asheville, they were beginner friendly for helping new fish keepers.  They used to test water for people and show how to do it yourself.  

If you are adding plants like you have you will need to watch light time making sure to give enough light to feed the plants and not too much to encourage algae.  

And you will want to decide what fish friends you want.  Sounds like you have a few guppies and platies so fun community fish live bearers easy fish once you have your "cycle" ready meaning bacteria is ready to keep the tank healthy for your fishies.  You can add some shrimp, and kulhi loaches and more platies or guppies but not tons of them.  I would aim for about 10 fish for the size because you will have some babies with those fish 

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