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what do people use for cory's trio of meds now that you cant get erythromycin?

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You might be able to source maracyn2 or kanaplex off eBay or Amazon in Canada what I would do is quarantine and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon 1 gallon and add Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect till you can source antibiotic medication you can also contact a vet to see if you can some medication @kevincanada

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I know this is a bit old but as a fellow Canadian, I just wanted to chime in- I've done four different antibiotic options in my small town in Ontario, mid-distance between Toronto and Ottawa.

1. Found someone selling Kanaplex on eBay, drove 4 hours each way to London to pick it up, paid a LOT of money for it, and it didn't save the fish. I don't necessarily blame the Kanaplex though, I waited too long before committing the money and time to make it happen.

2. Used salt. Hit and miss, and can't be used with plants, but it has definitely helped sometimes. 

3. When my beloved Oscar got HITH and salt wasn't working, I called a fish vet. canadianfishvet.com was absolutely excellent and my Oscar has been totally in the clear for about a year now, after two rounds of meds. 

4. Made a field trip to the States. About 2 years ago I was going to NYC to visit my aunt, and so I ordered (from aquarium coop of course, my one chance as a canadian to get in there!) the med trio to her address and then brought it home. I wouldn't use it on my big oscar tank because that would take up my whole supply, but that's lasted all my medication needs for the last two years. I'm starting to run low from that original batch, and I'm planning on bringing new fish in soon that I'd love to med/quarantine, so I may drive down for a day trip to Waterton, NY to refresh my stores of American things. 

Hopefully you found something that worked for this angelfish!

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Well. That’s a problem. Used to be you could sneak it through on Amazon. @Colu?

Looking at your angels. Quarantine meds are not really going to do the job. Better would be the kanaplex. But no plants or invertebrates. Maracyn2 would be next. Not sure about oxy. But since you can get it Canada probably not much meds in it 

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On 8/7/2024 at 11:19 PM, Tony s said:

Well. That’s a problem. Used to be you could sneak it through on Amazon. @Colu?

Looking at your angels. Quarantine meds are not really going to do the job. Better would be the kanaplex. But no plants or invertebrates. Maracyn2 would be next. Not sure about oxy. But since you can get it Canada probably not much meds in it 

I Have helped people in Canada who have managed to get kanaplex or maracyn through Amazon in the past it can be hit or miss 

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On 8/7/2024 at 7:30 PM, Airborne 82nd said:

@ redmare

You said 3. When my beloved Oscar got HITH and salt wasn't working, I called a fish vet. canadianfishvet.com was absolutely excellent and my Oscar has been totally in the clear for about a year now, after two rounds of meds. But what was the med you used?

Thanks in advance

It was 3 different ones, I’m not recalling off the top of my head which exactly but there was an antibiotic, a dewormer, and an appetite stimulant I believe

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We can still get some meds on Amazon here in Canada but the prices are stupid high if you can find them at all.  Get in the habit of keeping Catappa leaves (Indian Almond Leaves) on hand.  I have successfully treated a few bacterial / fungal / injuries with them and increasing the frequency of water changes.  You can also get them in a Tea Bag form.  I haven't tried those yet but I would imagine they release the tanins faster.

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