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10 gallon stocking question

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IMG_9624.gif.6db98881c8329283c32c0f260c8bd036.gifI’m wondering if my 10G planted tank is at max. I have 9 CPDs, a mystery snail, and a Nerite snail. I’ve been thinking of getting 5 Corys or some shrimp. I’m worried the CPDs might find shrimp tentacles too enticing though and filter modifications for safety. And if Corys would be too much bio load. Any thoughts?

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Most cories are going to be too big for a 10. That said, I have 5 pandas in my first tank. Knowing what I know now, I probably wouldn’t have.
And more bio load just means more water changes. If you stay on top of that, you should be good. 

alternatively, you could put a dozen chili rasboras in there without much ill effect. 

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I had considered chilis but was thinking my CPDs are very gregarious and use the whole tank.  Haha. I can’t believe they are considered shy but I talk to them a lot too.  Yeah maybe the Pygmy cories could work.  Are there any others just as small?

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Posted (edited)
On 7/7/2024 at 6:27 AM, reikirita said:

Are there any others just as small?

I believe Hastatus Cory’s are similar in size to Pygmy’s. But they’re harder to find and definitely pricier. I don’t think I would do any bigger Cory’s. Plus, Pygmy’s are super cute!

Edited by EricksonAquatics
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On 7/7/2024 at 12:53 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

But they’re harder to find and definitely pricier

I would agree just bought seven and my wallet said ouch. But if you have the money to afford them they are my favorite corys. I love watching them hover in the midwater like underwater birds. My female betta whose housed with them sometimes does what I would call bird watching she finds her favorite perch in the tank and just watches them fly around.

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