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This Should not work BUT ITS SWEET

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Hey this is a two part thread first I wanted to show you an amazing tank that I was testing it out and it worked. 

then secondly my friend gave me six adult Gold Head Compreciseps, I’ve been told by a store that I have three males and 3 females. My friend is bringing 3 more females to help the ratio. Ive been told by the store I got the deal of a lifetime because my friend has been raising the gold head for 4 and a half years. If you can let me know if the store was correct on the ratio that would be great. I have three larger one which I am 98 percent sure are males by size and head. The other three are smaller more bullet shape which I think are the females.

thanks hope you like my tank!!















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Really beautiful stand and tank and the HoB on the side!  Very cool.  I would try to get an opaque white or black background on the tank, whatever you prefer.  It'll really help the focus be on what's inside the tank.  I use velimax films off of amazon on my tanks if you need any sort of recommendation or starting place.

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That’s awesome!! That background looks great will have to give it a try 

On 6/26/2024 at 1:48 PM, mynameisnobody said:

Wow, adult Compreciseps are a rarity. Congrats, not sure how much you paid, but those pairs would sell for quite a bit. What size aquarium are they in? Do they have tank mates? 

So I did not pay anything for them I got six three males and three females my friend  is a breeder, he wanted to give them to me for free because we’re experimenting. I am going to be getting three more females. He has had them in a 40 breeder for life so I’m going to do that for the foreseeable future unless something changes. Their tank mates are 13 gold occelatus 

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Yeah haha I have a blessing of him as my friend., yeah the gold occelatus is just a experiment we’re trying, he read online they can co exist, because of how their both semi aggressive, I will keep you posted. This has been the best and my favorite tank I have ever done. 

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