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Fritz Slime Out

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Hi all - 

Im doing my best to eradicate the last bits of BGA (cyano) in my 10g betta tank. I did a big water change and manually removed as much as I could. I then ordered Fritz Slime Out which arrived today. 
My question is 1) is an air stone necessary? I believe the package says recommended but I’m unsure if I should throw one in there or not. I’ve got an Easy Flow going and it puts off pretty decent flow.

and 2) one packet treats 25g. Anybody know the best way to essentially “split it in half” for the 10g? I’m assuming I’ll just eyeball it and call it good😂

And to those wondering - unsure how it got there, but it’s been getting less and less pronounced over the past few weeks bc I think I’m finally finding the balance between how much light and how much fertilizer I’m putting in! HALLELUJIAH!

Edited by EricksonAquatics
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1) an air stone is always recommended, it might even have helped prevent BGA by increasing flow/oxygen saturation on the bottom of your tank.

2) Id weigh the slime out package contents and split its weight in half.

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On 6/16/2024 at 12:32 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

My question is 1) is an air stone necessary? I believe the package says recommended

I haven’t used that brand. But would definitely add the air stone. 

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Well, I made a dummy move🙈

I was on my second round of Slime Out and had a crazy long two days so ended up not having time to change water until 4 days after dosing… the package tells you to do a 25% water change after two days.

So I went to change water and test today and my nitrites were nearing 5ppm👀

Thankfully no ammonia but still gave me a heart attack. Did a 50% water change and will probably continue to do that for the next couple days.

However I’m worried because I leave for 4 days on Wednesday morning so I’m hoping I can water change this thing under control and not have my nitrites skyrocket while I’m gone!

I should have known when @Guppysnail warmed me that cyano releases ammonia like crazy when it dies. Sigh.

Thoughts for getting nitrites under control quick? Water changing is likely the only way?

Hoping this didn’t completely crash my cycle or something, but I’m hopeful since there isn’t any ammonia showing.🤞 

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Water change big. Do a flush. 60%wait an hour 50% wait an hour do 40% again if needed. Vacuum up as much as possible to get it out of the tank.  
Breeding and running over 100 babies in a 10g tank if I miss water changing due to life I use this method to get nitrate out of extreme danger zone. Fish don’t ever mind even babies. 

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On 6/24/2024 at 9:50 AM, johnnyxxl said:

pushing my plants to jungle territory 

That’s the goal😅that’s why I had to treat for the BGA because it was taking over and hindering plant growth🫡

But now that the cyano is dead plants seem to be perking up.

The one plant that was completely unaffected by the BGA outbreak was my dwarf Lily! So PSA to pick one up if you’ve never tried them because this thing was invincible!

I swear this leaf grew from nothing to thr size of my hand in two days. I didn’t want to trim it but it was completely blocking my rotala😂

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