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What are the online platforms people used today to buy-sell fish locally?

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Hi All,
I used to sell a lot of fish/shrimp at my local fish club. Then a little over a year ago I move pretty far away and there's no local clubs where I am.
I had some heavy losses during my move sadly, and I've been slowly rebuilding my tank setups and growing up fish again.

I'm back to looking to sell again, but without a club and without a freshwater store to sell/trade them too I'm left with only online methods to try and sell locally. Which I kind of prefer, you get to meet other fish keepers face to face in your local area, and I love that.

I'm using craigslist, which I used to use in the past. But that seems very heavy on the older generation "like myself" 😄. Facebook seemed to boom really well until I realized all my listings were taken down due to their No Live Animal policy.

So my question is, to the Hobbies around the web, what's the new craigslist? I'm not interested in shipping; this is just some hobby income that pays for my fish food and a tank replacement now and again. It's more of participating in the local hobby and getting local people some cool aquarium pets on the cheap.

Thank you for all your input/thoughts!

P.S I have thought of starting a club, but I'm pretty busy with my day-job and house repairs. Maybe in 5-10 years if I retire is can be the new thing that keeps me busy then!


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Online Facebook groups are usually a good resource. I've started one in my area and we now have over 1,000 members, its not really a club, but we have even had a few get togethers.

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On 6/7/2024 at 12:41 PM, T. Payne said:

Online Facebook groups are usually a good resource. I've started one in my area and we now have over 1,000 members, its not really a club, but we have even had a few get togethers.

Hey I like that idea! That sounds exactly what could be the kernel that starts a club down the line.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/7/2024 at 12:22 PM, Doc Gonic said:

Hi All,
I used to sell a lot of fish/shrimp at my local fish club. Then a little over a year ago I move pretty far away and there's no local clubs where I am.
I had some heavy losses during my move sadly, and I've been slowly rebuilding my tank setups and growing up fish again.

I'm back to looking to sell again, but without a club and without a freshwater store to sell/trade them too I'm left with only online methods to try and sell locally. Which I kind of prefer, you get to meet other fish keepers face to face in your local area, and I love that.

I'm using craigslist, which I used to use in the past. But that seems very heavy on the older generation "like myself" 😄. Facebook seemed to boom really well until I realized all my listings were taken down due to their No Live Animal policy.

So my question is, to the Hobbies around the web, what's the new craigslist? I'm not interested in shipping; this is just some hobby income that pays for my fish food and a tank replacement now and again. It's more of participating in the local hobby and getting local people some cool aquarium pets on the cheap.

Thank you for all your input/thoughts!

P.S I have thought of starting a club, but I'm pretty busy with my day-job and house repairs. Maybe in 5-10 years if I retire is can be the new thing that keeps me busy then!


I meet a breeder on FB that I picked up two juvenile Carpintis from and it worked out well for me.

Meet another guy (Asian) that I bought half a dozen CLs from that were riddled with ICH/Epistylis and lost the whole batch. Couldn't get them to respond to treatment at all. They move around too much for me to see clearly they were tainted. Lesson in there somewhere....oh I know, if the breeder is living in his grandmother's house, has tanks all over the floor and super dark, maybe you should run the other way 🙄



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Honestly, just start your own website.  Put some fliers up to advertise it locally, toss some (sanitized) links on facebook, call it a day.  

You'll learn a valuable new skill and build a cornerstone of your business. 

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Aquabid and the Fish Swap topic on this forum are other good options. The Fish Swap will appear on your page as soon as you make 50 meaningful posts 🙂
But I guess it depends on how many fish you are trying to sell. The Fish Swap is probably not meant for people to be selling a crap ton of fish but Aquabid I think you can get away with having a sort of little “company” going.

Edited by EricksonAquatics
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